(too old to reply)
Jake D Jude
2017-06-22 12:06:48 UTC
Since the great day in November 2016 when President Trump defeated
Crooked Hillary, every special election that has taken place has been
characterized by the left wing media as a referendum on Trump and the
"resurgence" of the Democruds.
Lying Trump is crooked,not Hillary.
Lessee. Trump always lies but Media and Democrats never do. Right?
I"ll bet Trumps is lying when he says Democrats lost in these elections.
Even the polls were controlled by left wing lunatics. None of them saw
that Clinton was going to lose. Or any of these special elections where
the Democraps always seemed to be leading yet they lost all of them.

And who can watch any of the Sunday shows anymore? The spew of libtard
propaganda coming out of all the shows especially the faggot Jake
Crapper is disgraceful.
TRUMP 2020!
Right now we have Trump.
America can't be great again until we get rid of him.
Bad news Bunky you keep losing those votes for the 2018 impeachment!
That is their wet dream. Trump is not guilty of any impeachable offence
despite all the rubbish peddled by the lamestream left wing media.

With radicals now running the DNC and Hollyweird trying to control far
off elections, people will never let that lot in power.

So Trump will be President for two terms. And Democraps are shitting
their panties.
Jake D Jude
2017-06-22 12:38:33 UTC
Since the great day in November 2016 when President Trump defeated
Crooked Hillary, every special election that has taken place has been
characterized by the left wing media as a referendum on Trump and the
"resurgence" of the Democruds.
Lying Trump is crooked,not Hillary.
Trump is President.

Hillary is still crooked. Even the left wing media is sick of the bitch.

But douchebags like you continue to lick her asshole the way Marcus
would lick Yoko's pussy in search of Lennon's last load.
TRUMP 2020!
Right now we have Trump.
America can't be great again until we get rid of him.
Keep dreaming asshole. Trump is here through 2024.

Meanwhile he is repealing all the Obozo crap and putting in place
programs for a better America.

That means no more libtard, PC shit. If you don't like it, go to Canada
where you can suck on Trudeau's winky.
2017-06-22 14:05:41 UTC
Post by Jake D Jude
Since the great day in November 2016 when President Trump defeated
Crooked Hillary, every special election that has taken place has been
characterized by the left wing media as a referendum on Trump and the
"resurgence" of the Democruds.
Lying Trump is crooked,not Hillary.
Trump is President.
Hillary is still crooked. Even the left wing media is sick of the bitch.
But douchebags like you continue to lick her asshole the way Marcus
would lick Yoko's pussy in search of Lennon's last load.
TRUMP 2020!
Right now we have Trump.
America can't be great again until we get rid of him.
Keep dreaming asshole. Trump is here through 2024.
Not at all odd to find someone with the last name of "Epstein" hating President Trump.

Uni :-)
Post by Jake D Jude
Meanwhile he is repealing all the Obozo crap and putting in place
programs for a better America.
That means no more libtard, PC shit. If you don't like it, go to Canada
where you can suck on Trudeau's winky.
Jake D Jude
2017-06-22 15:55:13 UTC
Post by j***@netscape.net
Post by Jake D Jude
Since the great day in November 2016 when President Trump defeated
Crooked Hillary, every special election that has taken place has been
characterized by the left wing media as a referendum on Trump and the
"resurgence" of the Democruds.
Lying Trump is crooked,not Hillary.
Trump is President.
Hillary is still crooked. Even the left wing media is sick of the bitch.
But douchebags like you continue to lick her asshole the way Marcus
would lick Yoko's pussy in search of Lennon's last load.
TRUMP 2020!
Right now we have Trump.
America can't be great again until we get rid of him.
Keep dreaming asshole. Trump is here through 2024.
Not at all odd to find someone with the last name of "Epstein" hating President Trump.
Correct. They all go into the voting booth and pull all the levers on
the "D" or "L" row. Then they try to tell you how much smarter they are
than the rest of us.
2017-06-23 12:20:46 UTC
Post by Jake D Jude
Post by j***@netscape.net
Post by Jake D Jude
Since the great day in November 2016 when President Trump defeated
Crooked Hillary, every special election that has taken place has been
characterized by the left wing media as a referendum on Trump and the
"resurgence" of the Democruds.
Lying Trump is crooked,not Hillary.
Trump is President.
Hillary is still crooked. Even the left wing media is sick of the bitch.
But douchebags like you continue to lick her asshole the way Marcus
would lick Yoko's pussy in search of Lennon's last load.
TRUMP 2020!
Right now we have Trump.
America can't be great again until we get rid of him.
Keep dreaming asshole. Trump is here through 2024.
Not at all odd to find someone with the last name of "Epstein" hating President Trump.
Correct. They all go into the voting booth and pull all the levers on
the "D" or "L" row. Then they try to tell you how much smarter they are
than the rest of us.
I feel, the best defense against the blood sucking Dems is a Crucifix!
Holy Water, helps too!!

You hear the Dems bitchin' about President Trump's healthcare bill? The Dems are angered that the terrorist they hoard in their Sanctuary Cities won't have healthcare!

Uni :-)

Jake D Jude
2017-06-23 08:48:38 UTC
Since the great day in November 2016 when President Trump defeated
Crooked Hillary, every special election that has taken place has been
characterized by the left wing media as a referendum on Trump and the
"resurgence" of the Democruds.
According the lamestream media because Trump allegedly has such low poll
numbers, etc. etc., he will lose big time and the Democruds will begin
their takeover of Congress and stall the Trump agenda.
So despite all the left wingtard money coming in from snowflakes all
over San Fagcisco, despite all the propaganda spewed out by the left
wingtard media, despite all the mentally unhinged Hollyweird libtards,
That is great news for real Americans all over this great country. And
bad news for the deviants on the coasts. Particularly in NYC, LA, SF and
the northwest.
The left wing has been rejected time and time again.
TRUMP 2020!
I support Trump 100%. But he needs to get some legislation thru. We need that damn travel ban. We need healthcare reform. We need tax reform. And we need to smack North Korea.
Trump needs to use the 'art of the deal', and get some movement on this stuff. I voted for him cause I support all of these endeavors. Many are growing impatient...
Go TRUMP. Get it done!
So what will he be able to do when it comes to all of those hopelessly corrupt judges with pony-tails? He doesn't seem to have a recourse. I know what Andrew Jackson would have done, but that was a long, long time ago.
All the years of drug abuse and homosexual behaviour will take its toll
on that lot. Meanwhile Trump is going to fill up the Supreme Court with
outstanding conservatives in the same vein as Scalia. So any case that
makes its way up to the SC (think travel ban), will be ruled in
America's favour. This will neutralize the activist pigs in the lower
courts until nature takes over. Then Trump will replace them with
humans. And after 8 years, President Pence will continue in the same way.
2017-06-23 12:10:12 UTC
Post by Jake D Jude
Since the great day in November 2016 when President Trump defeated
Crooked Hillary, every special election that has taken place has been
characterized by the left wing media as a referendum on Trump and the
"resurgence" of the Democruds.
According the lamestream media because Trump allegedly has such low poll
numbers, etc. etc., he will lose big time and the Democruds will begin
their takeover of Congress and stall the Trump agenda.
So despite all the left wingtard money coming in from snowflakes all
over San Fagcisco, despite all the propaganda spewed out by the left
wingtard media, despite all the mentally unhinged Hollyweird libtards,
That is great news for real Americans all over this great country. And
bad news for the deviants on the coasts. Particularly in NYC, LA, SF and
the northwest.
The left wing has been rejected time and time again.
TRUMP 2020!
I support Trump 100%. But he needs to get some legislation thru. We need that damn travel ban. We need healthcare reform. We need tax reform. And we need to smack North Korea.
Trump needs to use the 'art of the deal', and get some movement on this stuff. I voted for him cause I support all of these endeavors. Many are growing impatient...
Go TRUMP. Get it done!
So what will he be able to do when it comes to all of those hopelessly corrupt judges with pony-tails? He doesn't seem to have a recourse. I know what Andrew Jackson would have done, but that was a long, long time ago.
All the years of drug abuse and homosexual behaviour will take its toll
on that lot. Meanwhile Trump is going to fill up the Supreme Court with
outstanding conservatives in the same vein as Scalia. So any case that
makes its way up to the SC (think travel ban), will be ruled in
America's favour. This will neutralize the activist pigs in the lower
courts until nature takes over. Then Trump will replace them with
humans. And after 8 years, President Pence will continue in the same way.
Oh, wow, President Trump will replace The Walking Brain Dead Dems strolling in Courts!!

Uni :-)