Hillary Clinton's Career
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Jake D Jude
2017-09-13 21:14:11 UTC
I'm hoping it'll be Trump vs Sanders. Sanders will have a nurse by
then and Trump will have a new wife.
Maybe Trump will meet Sanders' nurse during the campaign and *she*
will become his new wife. I smell a sitcom plot.
I hope Trump grabs her by the pussy.

Then you can smell her fingers instead of a sitcom plot.
J.D. Baldwin
2017-09-13 21:24:49 UTC
In the previous article, Jake D Jude
Post by Jake D Jude
I'm hoping it'll be Trump vs Sanders. Sanders will have a nurse by
then and Trump will have a new wife.
Maybe Trump will meet Sanders' nurse during the campaign and *she*
will become his new wife. I smell a sitcom plot.
I hope Trump grabs her by the pussy.
Then you can smell her fingers instead of a sitcom plot.
I am confused as to why that would lead to her fingers smelling like
anything in particular.
_+_ From the catapult of |If anyone objects to any statement I make, I am
_|70|___:)=}- J.D. Baldwin |quite prepared not only to retract it, but also
\ / ***@panix.com|to deny under oath that I ever made it.-T. Lehrer
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