Has Stephen Stills had a stroke?
(too old to reply)
Gill Smith
2008-11-16 23:39:04 UTC


With lotsa


And em_PH_asis

In all the wrong places.

And staring

And laughing

When there's no joke

In all the wrong places.

G*ddam hippoes.


2008-11-17 01:14:57 UTC
Talks with lots of breaks and laughs at nothing funny..hmmmmmm...did'nt
he use to hang out with David Crosby.....
Gill Smith
2008-11-17 09:54:59 UTC
Post by Theo
Talks with lots of breaks and laughs at nothing funny..hmmmmmm...did'nt
he use to hang out with David Crosby.....
Bing Crosby as Stephen tells it now.

2008-11-17 03:39:04 UTC
It wasn't Stephen Stills that had The Stroke, it was Billy Squier! :-)

Post by Gill Smith
With lotsa
And em_PH_asis
In all the wrong places.
And staring
And laughing
When there's no joke
In all the wrong places.
G*ddam hippoes.
2008-11-23 06:15:57 UTC
Post by Gill Smith
With lotsa
And em_PH_asis
In all the wrong places.
And staring
And laughing
When there's no joke
In all the wrong places.
G*ddam hippoes.
Whether or not Stephen Stills had a stroke is anybody's guess.
However, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer earlier this year (on
his birthday, which also was around the same time Dan Fogelberg passed
away from prostate cancer). I hope he's doing OK.

2008-11-24 00:20:13 UTC
Post by Debbie
Post by Gill Smith
With lotsa
And em_PH_asis
In all the wrong places.
And staring
And laughing
When there's no joke
In all the wrong places.
G*ddam hippoes.
Whether or not Stephen Stills had a stroke is anybody's guess.
However, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer earlier this year (on
his birthday, which also was around the same time Dan Fogelberg passed
away from prostate cancer). I hope he's doing OK.
Hey, you sound like a nice person.

Hope you're all OK too.


2013-10-18 20:14:42 UTC
Had he had a stroke news media would have had a hay day. Besides I missed it on tv
Michael Black
2013-10-18 23:55:52 UTC
Post by d***@gmail.com
Had he had a stroke news media would have had a hay day. Besides I missed it on tv
SOmeone I knew back then saw them together about 1979, and she commented
that he looked old, then. I haven't heard of a stroke, but maybe he's too
far out of the mainstream to get the press. But he may simply look old.

2013-10-19 00:34:20 UTC
Post by Michael Black
Post by d***@gmail.com
Had he had a stroke news media would have had a hay day. Besides I
missed it on tv
SOmeone I knew back then saw them together about 1979, and she commented
that he looked old, then. I haven't heard of a stroke, but maybe he's too
far out of the mainstream to get the press. But he may simply look old.
Doesn't seem to have one foot in the grave yet.

2013-10-20 22:34:49 UTC
Saw CS&N late last year. Stills looked, talked, and sang normally. While he's fatter with less hair and his beard is not complimentary. The one thing I noticed was, while his guitar work was still great, after about every third song he would dunk his hand in a bucket of ice. So he may have some serious arthritis problems he refuses to let get the best of him.

Ray Arthur
2013-10-21 00:54:20 UTC
Post by t***@iwvisp.com
Saw CS&N late last year. Stills looked, talked, and sang normally.
While he's fatter with less hair and his beard is not
complimentary. The one thing I noticed was, while his guitar work
was still great, after about every third song he would dunk his
hand in a bucket of ice. So he may have some serious arthritis
problems he refuses to let get the best of him.
I've been told that Stills has had serious dental problems over the
past few years, plus he's gotten rather deaf. This all results in his
current slurred, mush-mouthed manner of speech. On a good night he can
still play seriously good guitar, but his singing is difficult.
2013-10-22 02:23:14 UTC
On Sun, 20 Oct 2013 20:54:20 -0400, Nil
Post by Nil
Post by t***@iwvisp.com
Saw CS&N late last year. Stills looked, talked, and sang normally.
While he's fatter with less hair and his beard is not
complimentary. The one thing I noticed was, while his guitar work
was still great, after about every third song he would dunk his
hand in a bucket of ice. So he may have some serious arthritis
problems he refuses to let get the best of him.
I've been told that Stills has had serious dental problems over the
past few years, plus he's gotten rather deaf. This all results in his
current slurred, mush-mouthed manner of speech. On a good night he can
still play seriously good guitar, but his singing is difficult.
Someone on line somewhere suggested he had a bad set of dentures. Have
no idea if it's true, but it does sound likely. Combine that with the
deafness, and you could have some speech problems.
2014-03-31 12:13:15 UTC
Post by Nil
Post by t***@iwvisp.com
Saw CS&N late last year. Stills looked, talked, and sang normally.
While he's fatter with less hair and his beard is not
complimentary. The one thing I noticed was, while his guitar work
was still great, after about every third song he would dunk his
hand in a bucket of ice. So he may have some serious arthritis
problems he refuses to let get the best of him.
I've been told that Stills has had serious dental problems over the
past few years, plus he's gotten rather deaf. This all results in his
current slurred, mush-mouthed manner of speech. On a good night he can
still play seriously good guitar, but his singing is difficult.
If you all knew the real (main)reason Stills has had such a bad time with his speech in recent years(the last 15 or so), you wouldn't believe the story. Also, he has been high, a couple times... But just listen to him speak at the 69' "Woodstock" appearance as he introduces CSN for the first time, and then listen to his most recent appearance on The Tavis Smiley show(3-15-14 or so?) and you will quickly see that he has had some serious "wear and tear" to his entire face, in fact he broke his jaw on a South Africa Tour back in the late 1990's and had to have it wired shut for three months. I mean, you can figure out the rest, including the fact that he was not sober for many, many years. I love the man's music, but I saw him recently playing with Kenny Wayne Sheppard and felt sorry for him. Sheppard put the man down, hard. I have seen Stills at his best, and he was every bit as good(a different style of course). Not anymore. But what an accomplished musician. Among the best.
2013-10-19 16:26:15 UTC
Post by d***@gmail.com
Had he had a stroke news media would have had a hay day. Besides I missed it on tv
Has Jeff Bridges had a stroke?
He's looked a bit odd for a while to me, at least since that horse
racing movie.
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