Greta Van Sunburn Out at PMSLSD
(too old to reply)
Jake D Jude
2017-06-30 00:01:30 UTC
The libtard psychos at NBC "news" thought they were going to get
Fox-like ratings bringing in a professional to their shithole.
Unfortunately libtards like fake news presented by psychos like Mika
Brzezinski and Joe Shitborough.

Couple that with the fact that people only tune in the PMSLSD for laughs
and not for anything serious and you realize that NBC is beyond help.

Both CNN and PMSLSD should combine and form the Scatology Channel so
libs can enjoy shit 24/7 and not have it masquerade as news.
Jake D Jude
2017-06-30 13:00:31 UTC
Post by Jake D Jude
The libtard psychos at NBC "news" thought they were going to get
Fox-like ratings bringing in a professional to their shithole.
Unfortunately libtards like fake news presented by psychos like Mika
Brzezinski and Joe Shitborough.
Couple that with the fact that people only tune in the PMSLSD for laughs
and not for anything serious and you realize that NBC is beyond help.
Both CNN and PMSLSD should combine and form the Scatology Channel so
libs can enjoy shit 24/7 and not have it masquerade as news.
Are you nuts? Don Lemmon is incredibly watchable.
You probably think Don Lemmom is incredibly suckable too.
2017-07-01 16:32:43 UTC
Post by Jake D Jude
Post by Jake D Jude
The libtard psychos at NBC "news" thought they were going to get
Fox-like ratings bringing in a professional to their shithole.
Unfortunately libtards like fake news presented by psychos like Mika
Brzezinski and Joe Shitborough.
Couple that with the fact that people only tune in the PMSLSD for laughs
and not for anything serious and you realize that NBC is beyond help.
Both CNN and PMSLSD should combine and form the Scatology Channel so
libs can enjoy shit 24/7 and not have it masquerade as news.
Are you nuts? Don Lemmon is incredibly watchable.
You probably think Don Lemmom is incredibly suckable too.
Lemmon sits on his brains!!

Uni :-)
Jake D Jude
2017-07-04 13:23:01 UTC
Post by Jake D Jude
Post by Jake D Jude
The libtard psychos at NBC "news" thought they were going to get
Fox-like ratings bringing in a professional to their shithole.
Unfortunately libtards like fake news presented by psychos like Mika
Brzezinski and Joe Shitborough.
Couple that with the fact that people only tune in the PMSLSD for laughs
and not for anything serious and you realize that NBC is beyond help.
Both CNN and PMSLSD should combine and form the Scatology Channel so
libs can enjoy shit 24/7 and not have it masquerade as news.
Are you nuts? Don Lemmon is incredibly watchable.
You probably think Don Lemmom is incredibly suckable too.
Is he a shit stabber or a pillow biter......or maybe both?
Don Lemon is the ultimate pillow biter and pole smoker.

He doesn't care whether the load is in his buttocks or in his mouth.
Just as long as he has a load in him so he can go on the air and be a
bitchy little libtard.

You can be sure he wishes he was the guy under Trump in that video.
Nothing he would like more than to have Trump's cock taking a long drive
down his Hershey Highway.
Jake D Jude
2017-07-04 13:24:13 UTC
Post by Jake D Jude
Post by Jake D Jude
Post by Jake D Jude
The libtard psychos at NBC "news" thought they were going to get
Fox-like ratings bringing in a professional to their shithole.
Unfortunately libtards like fake news presented by psychos like Mika
Brzezinski and Joe Shitborough.
Couple that with the fact that people only tune in the PMSLSD for laughs
and not for anything serious and you realize that NBC is beyond help.
Both CNN and PMSLSD should combine and form the Scatology Channel so
libs can enjoy shit 24/7 and not have it masquerade as news.
Are you nuts? Don Lemmon is incredibly watchable.
You probably think Don Lemmom is incredibly suckable too.
Is he a shit stabber or a pillow biter......or maybe both?
Don Lemon is the ultimate pillow biter and pole smoker.
He doesn't care whether the load is in his buttocks or in his mouth.
Just as long as he has a load in him so he can go on the air and be a
bitchy little libtard.
You can be sure he wishes he was the guy under Trump in that video.
Nothing he would like more than to have Trump's cock taking a long drive
down his Hershey Highway.
2017-07-01 16:34:33 UTC
Post by Jake D Jude
The libtard psychos at NBC "news" thought they were going to get
Fox-like ratings bringing in a professional to their shithole.
Unfortunately libtards like fake news presented by psychos like Mika
Brzezinski and Joe Shitborough.
Even in Germany, they are asking, Where Is Hitler(?). It's getting that bad, here and there and everywhere!!

Uni :-)
Post by Jake D Jude
Couple that with the fact that people only tune in the PMSLSD for laughs
and not for anything serious and you realize that NBC is beyond help.
Both CNN and PMSLSD should combine and form the Scatology Channel so
libs can enjoy shit 24/7 and not have it masquerade as news.