Paul McCartney ... Dead ... Again?
(too old to reply)
2017-05-11 15:28:12 UTC

Paul is dead. Again. Or so some hoaxers would have you believe. On Wednesday evening, one-man talk show panel, Phil Hendrie, summed up the latest incarnation of the ‘Paul is dead’ rumor, calling the Ringo-reveals-all report “fake news” that failed to deliver anything in the way of originality, satire, or humor.

Hendrie was right. The original ‘Paul is dead’ scuttlebutt fascinated a generation of record-buying teenyboppers in 1969. The recent rumor rehash offers exactly zilch in the way of originality. Based on decades-old rewrites, the World News Daily story Phil Hendrie referred to pales in comparison to the teenage intrigue and adolescent angst that surrounded the 1969 ‘Paul is dead’ story.

Where and when the Paul is Dead rumor began

The first written whisper that Beatle bassist James Paul McCartney was dead appeared in a college newspaper article with a headline that screamed, “Is Beatle Paul McCartney Dead?” Written by 19-year-old journalism student, Tim Harper, and published on September 17, 1969 in the Drake University Times-Delphic, it was the first in-print story that espoused the cockamamie theory that Paul McCartney had perished in an automobile accident in 1966 and had been subsequently replaced by a talented lookalike named William Campbell.

When he wrote the article, Harper did not own a Beatles record. He wasn’t a conspiracy theorist, and he wasn’t particularly fond of the Beatles. The sophomore writer was, however, fond of getting to the kernel of a good story. When Harper overheard Times-Delphic editor, Dartanyan Brown, mention the rumor that Paul was dead and gone, he decided to investigate.

Harper talked to students, friends, and anyone else who knew about the ‘Paul is Dead’ rumor. Before long, the college journalist had amassed a mountain of mystery, mostly in the form of ‘secret clues’ delivered to Beatles fans via album covers and song lyrics.

How the ‘Paul is Dead’ story went viral in ’69

1969 was a banner year, as far as American youth culture was concerned. On July 21, astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first earthling to leave footprints on the moon. In mid-August, nearly half a million assorted music fans gathered at a farm in upstate New York to celebrate the three-day Woodstock Music & Art Fair. Counterculture publications including the Los Angeles Free Press, Berkeley Barb, and the East Village Other challenged readers to defy the status quo while giggling at ‘underground’ cartoons by Robert Crumb, Spain Rodriguez, and other notable comic artists of the day.

College newspapers were keen to keep up. Within days of its publication at Drake University, the “Is Beatle Paul McCartney Dead?” article was being shared, rewritten, and republished on college campuses from coast to coast. The rumor was further promulgated when an on-air caller identified only as “Tom” described a number of ‘secret McCartney death clues’ to DJ Russ Gibb at Detroit underground radio station WKNR-FM on October 12.

Sgt. Pepper ‘secret clues’ that convinced some Beatles fans that Paul was dead

The cover of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band is chock full of esoteric images that were interpreted by some fans to mean that a deceased Paul had been replaced by an impostor. In the elaborately staged front cover, McCartney’s Beatles bandmates are seen holding gold-colored instruments while Paul grasps a black clarinet. There is an open palm above McCartney’s head. Some said this was a Far Eastern symbol of death. Inside the album jacket one finds an unforgettable image of all four Beatles wearing colorful satin uniforms. Only Paul’s sleeve bears a patch reading “O.P.D.” Clue diggers surmised that these initials stood for “officially pronounced dead.”

Images on the cover of Abbey Road also bolstered belief that “the cute” Beatle was indeed dead. Photographer Iain Macmillan’s emblematic depiction of George, Paul, Ringo, and John striding a sidewalk in single file fashion was said to represent a funeral procession led by John Lennon as a white-suited holy man followed by Ringo Starr in undertaker black. George Harrison in his blue jeans and work shirt was construed as the grave digger, while barefoot Paul (the corpse) walked out of step with the other Beatles and had his eyes closed. Rumormongers interpreted the “LMW 28IF” license plate on a Volkswagen Beetle on the front cover to mean that Paul would be 28 years old if he were still alive.

Life magazine set the record straight

Two months after the ‘Paul is Dead’ rumor began circulating among worried Beatles fans, Life magazine published a feature article with the optimistic headline, “Paul is Still With Us.” In the article, McCartney assured Beatles fans and Life readers that he was alive and well and living in Scotland.

“Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. However, if I was dead, I’m sure I’d be the last to know.”

At the time of this writing, Sir James Paul McCartney is very much alive.

Ray Arthur
Michael Black
2017-05-11 18:59:53 UTC
Post by t***@iwvisp.com
Paul is dead. Again. Or so some hoaxers would have you believe. On
Wednesday evening, one-man talk show panel, Phil Hendrie, summed up the
latest incarnation of the ‘Paul is dead’ rumor, calling the
Ringo-reveals-all report “fake news” that failed to deliver anything in
the way of originality, satire, or humor.
But one of these days, it won't be a rumor, it will be fact. He's getting
on in years, and it's been 48 years since that first rumor circulated.

Hopefully this is a rumor, but on the other hand, it could possibly be the

2017-05-11 20:38:06 UTC
Post by Michael Black
Post by t***@iwvisp.com
Paul is dead. Again. Or so some hoaxers would have you believe. On
Wednesday evening, one-man talk show panel, Phil Hendrie, summed up the
latest incarnation of the ‘Paul is dead’ rumor, calling the
Ringo-reveals-all report “fake news” that failed to deliver anything in
the way of originality, satire, or humor.
But one of these days, it won't be a rumor, it will be fact. He's getting
on in years, and it's been 48 years since that first rumor circulated.
Hopefully this is a rumor, but on the other hand, it could possibly be the
They didn't mention in the story that the 'Paul is Dead' thing broke nationally shortly after the WKNR broadcast. On 10.21.69 WABC overenight DJ Roby Yonge locked the studio door and started a phenomenon. I was attending Pronounsticator's School in NYC and heard his broadcast live. It was chilling. Here's some of the story from Wiki...

Originally hired for the 1-3 PM shift, Yonge was moved into the overnight shift in August 1969 when Charlie Greer left the station. He was told by WABC program director Rick Sklar, in the early fall of that year, that his contract would not be renewed. He subsequently went on the air with the Paul McCartney "death" rumour on October 21, 1969, having heard the rumor from WKNR-FM (Detroit) radio personality Chris Randall. Stating that he had already been fired and that at 12:39 AM, he would not be "cut" because there was nobody around, Yonge began to speculate on rumors circulating about the possible death of McCartney. He enumerated various "clues" in album cover art which he said had been catalogued by thirty Indiana University Bloomington students. Callers lit up the station switchboard. It was an hour and a half before Sklar got Les Marshak in to relieve Yonge. Marshak continued to do Yonge's show until a replacement was hired.[1]

Sklar's reach did not cross radio bands, as, less than three weeks later, on November 14, 1969, former WABC DJ Bob "Bob-a-loo" Lewis did a full production "Paul is Dead" show on WABC-FM, putting forth many of the same assertions about McCartney's supposed death that had resulted in Yonge being yanked off the air.

And here's a piece of the show...

2017-05-11 22:09:42 UTC
Post by t***@iwvisp.com
Post by Michael Black
Post by t***@iwvisp.com
Paul is dead. Again. Or so some hoaxers would have you believe. On
Wednesday evening, one-man talk show panel, Phil Hendrie, summed up the
latest incarnation of the ‘Paul is dead’ rumor, calling the
Ringo-reveals-all report “fake news” that failed to deliver anything in
the way of originality, satire, or humor.
But one of these days, it won't be a rumor, it will be fact. He's getting
on in years, and it's been 48 years since that first rumor circulated.
Hopefully this is a rumor, but on the other hand, it could possibly be the
They didn't mention in the story that the 'Paul is Dead' thing broke nationally shortly after the WKNR broadcast. On 10.21.69 WABC overenight DJ Roby Yonge locked the studio door and started a phenomenon. I was attending Pronounsticator's School in NYC and heard his broadcast live. It was chilling. Here's some of the story from Wiki...
Originally hired for the 1-3 PM shift, Yonge was moved into the overnight shift in August 1969 when Charlie Greer left the station. He was told by WABC program director Rick Sklar, in the early fall of that year, that his contract would not be renewed. He subsequently went on the air with the Paul McCartney "death" rumour on October 21, 1969, having heard the rumor from WKNR-FM (Detroit) radio personality Chris Randall. Stating that he had already been fired and that at 12:39 AM, he would not be "cut" because there was nobody around, Yonge began to speculate on rumors circulating about the possible death of McCartney. He enumerated various "clues" in album cover art which he said had been catalogued by thirty Indiana University Bloomington students. Callers lit up the station switchboard. It was an hour and a half before Sklar got Les Marshak in to relieve Yonge. Marshak continued to do Yonge's show until a replacement was hired.[1]
Sklar's reach did not cross radio bands, as, less than three weeks later, on November 14, 1969, former WABC DJ Bob "Bob-a-loo" Lewis did a full production "Paul is Dead" show on WABC-FM, putting forth many of the same assertions about McCartney's supposed death that had resulted in Yonge being yanked off the air.
And here's a piece of the show...
About shit my pants, at first glance, by way of my misreading your subject line.
2017-05-12 00:58:46 UTC
Clean up in Isle 2, Tim man poops pants!

Uni :-)
2017-05-12 03:42:35 UTC
Post by t***@iwvisp.com
Paul is dead. Again. Or so some hoaxers would have you believe. On Wednesday evening, one-man talk show panel, Phil Hendrie, summed up the latest incarnation of the ‘Paul is dead’ rumor, calling the Ringo-reveals-all report “fake news” that failed to deliver anything in the way of originality, satire, or humor.
Hendrie was right. The original ‘Paul is dead’ scuttlebutt fascinated a generation of record-buying teenyboppers in 1969. The recent rumor rehash offers exactly zilch in the way of originality. Based on decades-old rewrites, the World News Daily story Phil Hendrie referred to pales in comparison to the teenage intrigue and adolescent angst that surrounded the 1969 ‘Paul is dead’ story.
FWIW, I never believed the rumor back in 1969.

My observation at the time was that casual fans believed it, hardcore fans didn't.
2017-05-12 04:13:28 UTC
Post by marcus60s
Post by t***@iwvisp.com
Paul is dead. Again. Or so some hoaxers would have you believe. On Wednesday evening, one-man talk show panel, Phil Hendrie, summed up the latest incarnation of the ‘Paul is dead’ rumor, calling the Ringo-reveals-all report “fake news” that failed to deliver anything in the way of originality, satire, or humor.
Hendrie was right. The original ‘Paul is dead’ scuttlebutt fascinated a generation of record-buying teenyboppers in 1969. The recent rumor rehash offers exactly zilch in the way of originality. Based on decades-old rewrites, the World News Daily story Phil Hendrie referred to pales in comparison to the teenage intrigue and adolescent angst that surrounded the 1969 ‘Paul is dead’ story.
FWIW, I never believed the rumor back in 1969.
My observation at the time was that casual fans believed it, hardcore fans didn't.
Maybe it was a symptom. Paul was becoming on the outer to the other 3,
maybe that is what was in all the clues.
2017-05-12 08:34:50 UTC
Post by marcus60s
Post by t***@iwvisp.com
Paul is dead. Again. Or so some hoaxers would have you believe. On Wednesday evening, one-man talk show panel, Phil Hendrie, summed up the latest incarnation of the ‘Paul is dead’ rumor, calling the Ringo-reveals-all report “fake news” that failed to deliver anything in the way of originality, satire, or humor.
Hendrie was right. The original ‘Paul is dead’ scuttlebutt fascinated a generation of record-buying teenyboppers in 1969. The recent rumor rehash offers exactly zilch in the way of originality. Based on decades-old rewrites, the World News Daily story Phil Hendrie referred to pales in comparison to the teenage intrigue and adolescent angst that surrounded the 1969 ‘Paul is dead’ story.
FWIW, I never believed the rumor back in 1969.
My observation at the time was that casual fans believed it, hardcore fans didn't.
Lawdy aren't you just so smart?

Bet you told all your classmates you didn't believe in the toothfairy,
Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny too just to show people how much
smarter you were than they.
2017-05-12 12:17:57 UTC
Post by marcus60s
Post by t***@iwvisp.com
Paul is dead. Again. Or so some hoaxers would have you believe. On Wednesday evening, one-man talk show panel, Phil Hendrie, summed up the latest incarnation of the ‘Paul is dead’ rumor, calling the Ringo-reveals-all report “fake news” that failed to deliver anything in the way of originality, satire, or humor.
Hendrie was right. The original ‘Paul is dead’ scuttlebutt fascinated a generation of record-buying teenyboppers in 1969. The recent rumor rehash offers exactly zilch in the way of originality. Based on decades-old rewrites, the World News Daily story Phil Hendrie referred to pales in comparison to the teenage intrigue and adolescent angst that surrounded the 1969 ‘Paul is dead’ story.
FWIW, I never believed the rumor back in 1969.
Just those hippies and their drug thing.

Uni :-)
Post by marcus60s
My observation at the time was that casual fans believed it, hardcore fans didn't.
Michael Black
2017-05-12 15:01:35 UTC
Post by marcus60s
Post by t***@iwvisp.com
Paul is dead. Again. Or so some hoaxers would have you believe. On Wednesday evening, one-man talk show panel, Phil Hendrie, summed up the latest incarnation of the ‘Paul is dead’ rumor, calling the Ringo-reveals-all report “fake news” that failed to deliver anything in the way of originality, satire, or humor.
Hendrie was right. The original ‘Paul is dead’ scuttlebutt fascinated a generation of record-buying teenyboppers in 1969. The recent rumor rehash offers exactly zilch in the way of originality. Based on decades-old rewrites, the World News Daily story Phil Hendrie referred to pales in comparison to the teenage intrigue and adolescent angst that surrounded the 1969 ‘Paul is dead’ story.
FWIW, I never believed the rumor back in 1969.
My observation at the time was that casual fans believed it, hardcore fans didn't.
I recall someone at school getting all excited about it, but I may be
mixing things up, since I was only 9 at the time. Did the rumor resurrect
a few years later? That's more like when someone my age would have taken

But I also remember a kid at school circulating a petition to get The
Beatles back together, somewhere around 1974. That would have been part
of a larger petition collection. For some reason, the guy who did that is
who I think of getting all excited about the Paul is Dead rumor. So maybe
I'm just garbling the two events, all these decades later.

Michael Black
2017-05-17 15:17:57 UTC
Post by marcus60s
Post by t***@iwvisp.com
Paul is dead. Again. Or so some hoaxers would have you believe. On Wednesday evening, one-man talk show panel, Phil Hendrie, summed up the latest incarnation of the ‘Paul is dead’ rumor, calling the Ringo-reveals-all report “fake news” that failed to deliver anything in the way of originality, satire, or humor.
Hendrie was right. The original ‘Paul is dead’ scuttlebutt fascinated a generation of record-buying teenyboppers in 1969. The recent rumor rehash offers exactly zilch in the way of originality. Based on decades-old rewrites, the World News Daily story Phil Hendrie referred to pales in comparison to the teenage intrigue and adolescent angst that surrounded the 1969 ‘Paul is dead’ story.
FWIW, I never believed the rumor back in 1969.
My observation at the time was that casual fans believed it, hardcore fans didn't.
I just saw this morning a story about the story.

I thought the rumor didn't happen until after Abby Road, but this story
used the 50th anniversary of the release of Sgt Pepper to provide details,
apparently one of the clues after the fact was on that album's cover.

It is hard to believe this stuff is fifty years in the past. Fifty years
before 1967 was 1917, and that was a long time ago, but living through the
past fifty years, it can't be so far back.

2017-05-17 18:46:46 UTC
Post by Michael Black
Post by marcus60s
Post by t***@iwvisp.com
Paul is dead. Again. Or so some hoaxers would have you believe. On Wednesday evening, one-man talk show panel, Phil Hendrie, summed up the latest incarnation of the ‘Paul is dead’ rumor, calling the Ringo-reveals-all report “fake news” that failed to deliver anything in the way of originality, satire, or humor.
Hendrie was right. The original ‘Paul is dead’ scuttlebutt fascinated a generation of record-buying teenyboppers in 1969. The recent rumor rehash offers exactly zilch in the way of originality. Based on decades-old rewrites, the World News Daily story Phil Hendrie referred to pales in comparison to the teenage intrigue and adolescent angst that surrounded the 1969 ‘Paul is dead’ story.
FWIW, I never believed the rumor back in 1969.
My observation at the time was that casual fans believed it, hardcore fans didn't.
I just saw this morning a story about the story.
I thought the rumor didn't happen until after Abby Road, but this story
used the 50th anniversary of the release of Sgt Pepper to provide details,
apparently one of the clues after the fact was on that album's cover.
It is hard to believe this stuff is fifty years in the past. Fifty years
before 1967 was 1917, and that was a long time ago, but living through the
past fifty years, it can't be so far back.
The rumors started in 1969, however the clues about the supposed death went back as far as 1966 when The Beatles stopped touring and McCartney's death was said to happen then.
2017-05-17 22:06:38 UTC
Post by marcus60s
Post by Michael Black
Post by marcus60s
Post by t***@iwvisp.com
Paul is dead. Again. Or so some hoaxers would have you believe. On Wednesday evening, one-man talk show panel, Phil Hendrie, summed up the latest incarnation of the ‘Paul is dead’ rumor, calling the Ringo-reveals-all report “fake news” that failed to deliver anything in the way of originality, satire, or humor.
Hendrie was right. The original ‘Paul is dead’ scuttlebutt fascinated a generation of record-buying teenyboppers in 1969. The recent rumor rehash offers exactly zilch in the way of originality. Based on decades-old rewrites, the World News Daily story Phil Hendrie referred to pales in comparison to the teenage intrigue and adolescent angst that surrounded the 1969 ‘Paul is dead’ story.
FWIW, I never believed the rumor back in 1969.
My observation at the time was that casual fans believed it, hardcore fans didn't.
I just saw this morning a story about the story.
I thought the rumor didn't happen until after Abby Road, but this story
used the 50th anniversary of the release of Sgt Pepper to provide details,
apparently one of the clues after the fact was on that album's cover.
It is hard to believe this stuff is fifty years in the past. Fifty years
before 1967 was 1917, and that was a long time ago, but living through the
past fifty years, it can't be so far back.
The rumors started in 1969, however the clues about the supposed death went back as far as 1966 when The Beatles stopped touring and McCartney's death was said to happen then.
So. it's still good knowing you've obtained such really good seats for your upcoming "William Shears Campbell" concert.

... more seriously (or not):

2017-05-18 00:48:54 UTC
Post by Tim
Post by marcus60s
The rumors started in 1969, however the clues about the supposed death went back as far as 1966 when The Beatles stopped touring and McCartney's death was said to happen then.
So. it's still good knowing you've obtained such really good seats for your upcoming "William Shears Campbell" concert.
Just received them today.
Post by Tim
That's just fucking nuts.
2017-05-19 04:29:43 UTC
Post by marcus60s
Post by Tim
That's just fucking nuts.
I'd have to defer to Uni as to how good it feels to engage in fucking nuts.
2017-05-19 04:38:21 UTC
Post by Tim
Post by marcus60s
Post by Tim
That's just fucking nuts.
I'd have to defer to Uni as to how good it feels to engage in fucking nuts.
I thought you're supposed to use your weiner to F'k, I never knew I should have F'ked with nuts!!!

Good us deplorables are still alive, Democrats must be generous!

Uni :-)
2017-05-19 20:14:17 UTC
Post by j***@netscape.net
Post by marcus60s
Post by Tim
That's just fucking nuts.
I'd have to defer to Uni as to how good it feels to engage in fucking nuts.
I thought you're supposed to use your weiner to F'k, I never knew I should have F'ked with nuts!!!
Look, you should well know that all you have to do is grease your ass up before you lay there and take it from the nuts you readily fuck.
Post by j***@netscape.net
Good us deplorables are still alive, Democrats must be generous!
Only on account of Soro's generosity towards his world wide army of globalist puppets.
2017-05-22 01:01:52 UTC
Post by Tim
Post by j***@netscape.net
Post by marcus60s
Post by Tim
That's just fucking nuts.
I'd have to defer to Uni as to how good it feels to engage in fucking nuts.
I thought you're supposed to use your weiner to F'k, I never knew I should have F'ked with nuts!!!
Look, you should well know that all you have to do is grease your ass up before you lay there and take it from the nuts you readily fuck.
Don't be butting me with Elton John!!!
Post by Tim
Post by j***@netscape.net
Good us deplorables are still alive, Democrats must be generous!
Only on account of Soro's generosity towards his world wide army of globalist puppets.
Soros looks as evil as he acts.
(3) Day Vlad show on TV soon!!!

Uni :-)
2017-05-18 22:28:53 UTC
Post by Tim
Post by marcus60s
Post by Michael Black
Post by marcus60s
Post by t***@iwvisp.com
Paul is dead. Again. Or so some hoaxers would have you believe. On Wednesday evening, one-man talk show panel, Phil Hendrie, summed up the latest incarnation of the ‘Paul is dead’ rumor, calling the Ringo-reveals-all report “fake news” that failed to deliver anything in the way of originality, satire, or humor.
Hendrie was right. The original ‘Paul is dead’ scuttlebutt fascinated a generation of record-buying teenyboppers in 1969. The recent rumor rehash offers exactly zilch in the way of originality. Based on decades-old rewrites, the World News Daily story Phil Hendrie referred to pales in comparison to the teenage intrigue and adolescent angst that surrounded the 1969 ‘Paul is dead’ story.
FWIW, I never believed the rumor back in 1969.
My observation at the time was that casual fans believed it, hardcore
fans didn't.
I just saw this morning a story about the story.
I thought the rumor didn't happen until after Abby Road, but this story
used the 50th anniversary of the release of Sgt Pepper to provide details,
apparently one of the clues after the fact was on that album's cover.
It is hard to believe this stuff is fifty years in the past. Fifty years
before 1967 was 1917, and that was a long time ago, but living through the
past fifty years, it can't be so far back.
The rumors started in 1969, however the clues about the supposed death went back as far as 1966 when The Beatles stopped touring and McCartney's death was said to happen then.
So. it's still good knowing you've obtained such really good seats for your upcoming "William Shears Campbell" concert.
How will go first to go, McCartney or Starrsky of the Hutch?

I say McCartney? Any wagers?

Uni :-)
2017-05-18 13:08:14 UTC
Post by marcus60s
Post by Michael Black
Post by marcus60s
Post by t***@iwvisp.com
Paul is dead. Again. Or so some hoaxers would have you believe. On Wednesday evening, one-man talk show panel, Phil Hendrie, summed up the latest incarnation of the ‘Paul is dead’ rumor, calling the Ringo-reveals-all report “fake news” that failed to deliver anything in the way of originality, satire, or humor.
Hendrie was right. The original ‘Paul is dead’ scuttlebutt fascinated a generation of record-buying teenyboppers in 1969. The recent rumor rehash offers exactly zilch in the way of originality. Based on decades-old rewrites, the World News Daily story Phil Hendrie referred to pales in comparison to the teenage intrigue and adolescent angst that surrounded the 1969 ‘Paul is dead’ story.
FWIW, I never believed the rumor back in 1969.
My observation at the time was that casual fans believed it, hardcore fans didn't.
I just saw this morning a story about the story.
I thought the rumor didn't happen until after Abby Road, but this story
used the 50th anniversary of the release of Sgt Pepper to provide details,
apparently one of the clues after the fact was on that album's cover.
It is hard to believe this stuff is fifty years in the past. Fifty years
before 1967 was 1917, and that was a long time ago, but living through the
past fifty years, it can't be so far back.
The rumors started in 1969, however the clues about the supposed death went back as far as 1966 when The Beatles stopped touring and McCartney's death was said to happen then.
Not sure if this one is known. Revolution 9 backwards depicts a car
crash, that then burns with the sound of flames, and yelling 'let me out'.
2017-05-18 14:32:07 UTC
Post by hector
Post by marcus60s
Post by Michael Black
Post by marcus60s
Post by t***@iwvisp.com
Paul is dead. Again. Or so some hoaxers would have you believe. On Wednesday evening, one-man talk show panel, Phil Hendrie, summed up the latest incarnation of the ‘Paul is dead’ rumor, calling the Ringo-reveals-all report “fake news” that failed to deliver anything in the way of originality, satire, or humor.
Hendrie was right. The original ‘Paul is dead’ scuttlebutt fascinated a generation of record-buying teenyboppers in 1969. The recent rumor rehash offers exactly zilch in the way of originality. Based on decades-old rewrites, the World News Daily story Phil Hendrie referred to pales in comparison to the teenage intrigue and adolescent angst that surrounded the 1969 ‘Paul is dead’ story.
FWIW, I never believed the rumor back in 1969.
My observation at the time was that casual fans believed it, hardcore fans didn't.
I just saw this morning a story about the story.
I thought the rumor didn't happen until after Abby Road, but this story
used the 50th anniversary of the release of Sgt Pepper to provide details,
apparently one of the clues after the fact was on that album's cover.
It is hard to believe this stuff is fifty years in the past. Fifty years
before 1967 was 1917, and that was a long time ago, but living through the
past fifty years, it can't be so far back.
The rumors started in 1969, however the clues about the supposed death went back as far as 1966 when The Beatles stopped touring and McCartney's death was said to happen then.
Not sure if this one is known. Revolution 9 backwards depicts a car
crash, that then burns with the sound of flames, and yelling 'let me out'.
You forgot to mention the Unicorn.
2017-05-18 14:38:04 UTC
Post by marcus60s
Post by hector
Post by marcus60s
Post by Michael Black
Post by marcus60s
Post by t***@iwvisp.com
Paul is dead. Again. Or so some hoaxers would have you believe. On Wednesday evening, one-man talk show panel, Phil Hendrie, summed up the latest incarnation of the ‘Paul is dead’ rumor, calling the Ringo-reveals-all report “fake news” that failed to deliver anything in the way of originality, satire, or humor.
Hendrie was right. The original ‘Paul is dead’ scuttlebutt fascinated a generation of record-buying teenyboppers in 1969. The recent rumor rehash offers exactly zilch in the way of originality. Based on decades-old rewrites, the World News Daily story Phil Hendrie referred to pales in comparison to the teenage intrigue and adolescent angst that surrounded the 1969 ‘Paul is dead’ story.
FWIW, I never believed the rumor back in 1969.
My observation at the time was that casual fans believed it, hardcore fans didn't.
I just saw this morning a story about the story.
I thought the rumor didn't happen until after Abby Road, but this story
used the 50th anniversary of the release of Sgt Pepper to provide details,
apparently one of the clues after the fact was on that album's cover.
It is hard to believe this stuff is fifty years in the past. Fifty years
before 1967 was 1917, and that was a long time ago, but living through the
past fifty years, it can't be so far back.
The rumors started in 1969, however the clues about the supposed death went back as far as 1966 when The Beatles stopped touring and McCartney's death was said to happen then.
Not sure if this one is known. Revolution 9 backwards depicts a car
crash, that then burns with the sound of flames, and yelling 'let me out'..
You forgot to mention the Unicorn.
Don't recall a unicorn, I don't think they make an identifiable sound.
What does it sound like to you?
2017-05-19 02:43:53 UTC
Post by hector
Not sure if this one is known. Revolution 9 backwards depicts a
car crash, that then burns with the sound of flames, and yelling
'let me out'.
When you eventually get around to trying it yourself you'll find that
it does no such thing.
Michael Black
2017-05-20 01:55:53 UTC
Post by Nil
Post by hector
Not sure if this one is known. Revolution 9 backwards depicts a
car crash, that then burns with the sound of flames, and yelling
'let me out'.
When you eventually get around to trying it yourself you'll find that
it does no such thing.
Back then, it was generally safe to make up rumors like that, since the
average turntable wasn't able to play records backwards.

Now with computers and programs, it's extremely easy to play records

2017-05-20 05:39:06 UTC
Post by Michael Black
Post by Nil
Post by hector
Not sure if this one is known. Revolution 9 backwards depicts a
car crash, that then burns with the sound of flames, and yelling
'let me out'.
When you eventually get around to trying it yourself you'll find that
it does no such thing.
Back then, it was generally safe to make up rumors like that, since the
average turntable wasn't able to play records backwards.
Now with computers and programs, it's extremely easy to play records
I did it with a cassette tape in about 1979. You basically turn the
tape upside down and wind up with a pen or pencil.
In Revolution 9 you can hear the forward version of much of Lennon's
reversed tapes. You can quite clearly hear a car speeding up, then
crashing, the sounds of flames and someone yelling 'let me out' 'let me
out', which all sounds very eery. In the forward version, which is
harder to follow, at one point you hear someone yelling in reversed voice.
If you don't bother to listen then it does no such thing.
2017-05-20 05:59:59 UTC
Post by hector
Post by Michael Black
Post by Nil
Post by hector
Not sure if this one is known. Revolution 9 backwards depicts a
car crash, that then burns with the sound of flames, and yelling
'let me out'.
When you eventually get around to trying it yourself you'll find that
it does no such thing.
Back then, it was generally safe to make up rumors like that, since
the average turntable wasn't able to play records backwards.
Now with computers and programs, it's extremely easy to play records
I did it with a cassette tape in about 1979. You basically turn the
tape upside down and wind up with a pen or pencil.
In Revolution 9 you can hear the forward version of much of Lennon's
reversed tapes. You can quite clearly hear a car speeding up, then
crashing, the sounds of flames and someone yelling 'let me out' 'let me
out', which all sounds very eery. In the forward version, which is
harder to follow, at one point you hear someone yelling in reversed voice.
If you don't bother to listen then it does no such thing.
I just played it again, reversing the wave file.
It sounds like the car noises from about 4:30 and more so after 5:00.
From about 5:30 you hear crowd noises and the yelling of 'let me out'.
The car noises are repeated starting from earlier. The car noises start
just before 2:00, then the crash just after. Then the flames at 2:30.
The 5:00 sounds more eery with the choir singing.
So that's from just hearing it, and not from a memory from years ago.
Michael Black
2017-05-20 13:17:57 UTC
Post by Michael Black
Post by Nil
Post by hector
Not sure if this one is known. Revolution 9 backwards depicts a
car crash, that then burns with the sound of flames, and yelling
'let me out'.
When you eventually get around to trying it yourself you'll find that
it does no such thing.
Back then, it was generally safe to make up rumors like that, since the
average turntable wasn't able to play records backwards.
Now with computers and programs, it's extremely easy to play records
I did it with a cassette tape in about 1979. You basically turn the tape
upside down and wind up with a pen or pencil.
In Revolution 9 you can hear the forward version of much of Lennon's reversed
tapes. You can quite clearly hear a car speeding up, then crashing, the
sounds of flames and someone yelling 'let me out' 'let me out', which all
sounds very eery. In the forward version, which is harder to follow, at one
point you hear someone yelling in reversed voice.
If you don't bother to listen then it does no such thing.
I think that would have been too much trouble for me.

But now that you mention it, an auto reversing cassette player could
probably be modified to play things backwards. I say "probably" because
I'm not spending the time to think it through.

But of course at the time of the rumors, most people had records, not

2017-05-22 06:30:40 UTC
Post by Michael Black
Back then, it was generally safe to make up rumors like that,
since the average turntable wasn't able to play records backwards.
Most turntables couldn't, I guess, but mine could! If you sent it
between speeds the platter would be disengaged from the motor and I
could spin it backward with my finger... which I proceeded to do with
all my Beatles records, listening to the supposed "clues" that people
were talking about. My conclusion: it was all a crock.
Post by Michael Black
Now with computers and programs, it's extremely easy to play
records backwards.
Right. But it's funny that I used to love to do it the manual way when
it was difficult and tended to wreck the records, but now that it's so
easy, I don't bother!

Michael Black
2017-05-18 14:57:54 UTC
Post by marcus60s
Post by Michael Black
Post by marcus60s
Post by t***@iwvisp.com
Paul is dead. Again. Or so some hoaxers would have you believe. On Wednesday evening, one-man talk show panel, Phil Hendrie, summed up the latest incarnation of the ‘Paul is dead’ rumor, calling the Ringo-reveals-all report “fake news” that failed to deliver anything in the way of originality, satire, or humor.
Hendrie was right. The original ‘Paul is dead’ scuttlebutt fascinated a generation of record-buying teenyboppers in 1969. The recent rumor rehash offers exactly zilch in the way of originality. Based on decades-old rewrites, the World News Daily story Phil Hendrie referred to pales in comparison to the teenage intrigue and adolescent angst that surrounded the 1969 ‘Paul is dead’ story.
FWIW, I never believed the rumor back in 1969.
My observation at the time was that casual fans believed it, hardcore fans didn't.
I just saw this morning a story about the story.
I thought the rumor didn't happen until after Abby Road, but this story
used the 50th anniversary of the release of Sgt Pepper to provide details,
apparently one of the clues after the fact was on that album's cover.
It is hard to believe this stuff is fifty years in the past. Fifty years
before 1967 was 1917, and that was a long time ago, but living through the
past fifty years, it can't be so far back.
The rumors started in 1969, however the clues about the supposed death
went back as far as 1966 when The Beatles stopped touring and
McCartney's death was said to happen then.
So he "died" about the sametime Bob Dylan "almost died" in the motorcycle

2017-05-18 16:21:49 UTC
Post by Michael Black
Post by marcus60s
Post by Michael Black
Post by marcus60s
Post by t***@iwvisp.com
Paul is dead. Again. Or so some hoaxers would have you believe. On Wednesday evening, one-man talk show panel, Phil Hendrie, summed up the latest incarnation of the ‘Paul is dead’ rumor, calling the Ringo-reveals-all report “fake news” that failed to deliver anything in the way of originality, satire, or humor.
Hendrie was right. The original ‘Paul is dead’ scuttlebutt fascinated a generation of record-buying teenyboppers in 1969. The recent rumor rehash offers exactly zilch in the way of originality. Based on decades-old rewrites, the World News Daily story Phil Hendrie referred to pales in comparison to the teenage intrigue and adolescent angst that surrounded the 1969 ‘Paul is dead’ story.
FWIW, I never believed the rumor back in 1969.
My observation at the time was that casual fans believed it, hardcore fans didn't.
I just saw this morning a story about the story.
I thought the rumor didn't happen until after Abby Road, but this story
used the 50th anniversary of the release of Sgt Pepper to provide details,
apparently one of the clues after the fact was on that album's cover.
It is hard to believe this stuff is fifty years in the past. Fifty years
before 1967 was 1917, and that was a long time ago, but living through the
past fifty years, it can't be so far back.
The rumors started in 1969, however the clues about the supposed death
went back as far as 1966 when The Beatles stopped touring and
McCartney's death was said to happen then.
So he "died" about the sametime Bob Dylan "almost died" in the motorcycle
And that might have been part of the reason why the folks who thought up the myth determined when the "real" Paul died. Many people remembered Dylan's near death by motorcycle. There were rumors of Bob's death then...it spread like wildfire in my high school

What also helped the myth to gain acceptance was the break in action of The Beatles...stopped touring, went on vacations, no new music for the rest of 1966.
Placing the death of Paul then fit the plan well.

Of course, as most people know now, The Beatles were literally taking a break and began recording what would eventually become "Penny Lane" and "Strawberry Fields Forever" in late 1966.