Lennon Was Wrong
(too old to reply)
Wir Munchen Liebschoen
2017-07-03 12:11:50 UTC
Lennon said that the Stones kept copying the Beatles. I've never been that
much of a Stones fan so I listened to their first 4 or 5 albums. None of these
albums sound like Beatles music. They did copy their Sgt. Pepper album and their
Let it Bleed album, but so what? Millions of bands did more than just copy 2
of their albums, and Lennon only mentioned these 2.
If Lennon claimed the Stones copied their music and you found two MAJOR
examples, that means Lennon was right.

You're too stupid and not much of a Beatles fan to see the other
examples but I guess we should be grateful that you did see 2 examples
which basically hit you over the head with a hammer.
2017-07-04 01:15:47 UTC
Lennon said that the Stones kept copying the Beatles. I've never been that
much of a Stones fan so I listened to their first 4 or 5 albums. None of these
albums sound like Beatles music. They did copy their Sgt. Pepper album and their
Let it Bleed album, but so what? Millions of bands did more than just copy 2
of their albums, and Lennon only mentioned these 2.
Lennon lashed out at people he liked on occasion. This was one of those occasions. I think the Beatles appreciated the Stones. They were 'welcomed' on the cover of Sgt Pepper after all...
The Stones did not copy the Beatles much at all. Sure they played rock N roll, and added harmony and new sounds and instruments to their albums - like the Beatles did.
But the Stones played a raunchier, rockier, bluesy style - unlike the Beatles at all. The lyrics were darker, and that Satanic Majesty thing - which was a joke by Jagger - was taken seriously by many. What Beatles song is similar to Sympathy for the Devil??? Wild Horses? 19th Nervous Breakdown. None.
The creativity level of McCartney, Lennon, Jagger and Richards was astounding.
I will always love both bands. I'm gonna put on some Stones this morning.
Great post. Anyone who claims that the Stones copied more than what
I wrote can't claim that they're even close to being correct, and they
can't say they can back up their words with any actual evidence because
there isn't any. Thanks for your response.
I make a big smelly doodyburger everytime I listen to Paint It Black. It
reminds me of Norwegian Wood which is the paneling in my toilet where i
take my poopies.
Wir Munchen Liebschoen
2017-07-08 16:27:40 UTC
Post by Wir Munchen Liebschoen
Lennon said that the Stones kept copying the Beatles. I've never been that
much of a Stones fan so I listened to their first 4 or 5 albums. None of these
albums sound like Beatles music. They did copy their Sgt. Pepper album and their
Let it Bleed album, but so what? Millions of bands did more than just copy 2
of their albums, and Lennon only mentioned these 2.
If Lennon claimed the Stones copied their music and you found two MAJOR
examples, that means Lennon was right.
You're too stupid and not much of a Beatles fan to see the other
examples but I guess we should be grateful that you did see 2 examples
which basically hit you over the head with a hammer.
Yesterday I had to go to my heart doctor and do this tilt test.
Next week I go to have a stress test. Isn't that interesting?
Putin and Trump shook hands and got a deal in Syria. That's interesting.
It's not to me. I don't care anything about Trump and his huge ego,
and how he's pushed people around his entire life. The Republicans
could have chosen any Republican that was better than Trump, and
the Democrats could have chosen anyone that was better than Hillary
Clinton. Both parties chose people that suck.
Again you miss the point. But that comes from spending too much time
talking to your cat. Even your cat is more interested in Trump and Putin
than he is in you. He told Nil that.
You coming back from the dead for the 485th time, not so novel anymore.
You misunderstood. What I said was that the people in the emergency
room told me this wacky story. My foot was swollen and they tried
to tell me that I had fluid in one of my feet that they needed to
drain out because it was poison and that I could have another
heart attack. It was all bullshit. They just made up this stuff.
How did they get your foot out of your mouth to drain it?
Wir Munchen Liebschoen
2017-07-14 19:59:41 UTC
Post by Wir Munchen Liebschoen
Post by Wir Munchen Liebschoen
Lennon said that the Stones kept copying the Beatles. I've never been that
much of a Stones fan so I listened to their first 4 or 5 albums. None of these
albums sound like Beatles music. They did copy their Sgt. Pepper album and their
Let it Bleed album, but so what? Millions of bands did more than just copy 2
of their albums, and Lennon only mentioned these 2.
If Lennon claimed the Stones copied their music and you found two MAJOR
examples, that means Lennon was right.
You're too stupid and not much of a Beatles fan to see the other
examples but I guess we should be grateful that you did see 2 examples
which basically hit you over the head with a hammer.
Yesterday I had to go to my heart doctor and do this tilt test.
Next week I go to have a stress test. Isn't that interesting?
Me-me-me, Jeff: I've been hooked up with 3 lower back spinal stress fractures since April, waiting for my turn to be scheduled orthopedic surgical repair. And getting by, in the meantime, with heavy dosages of Norco-Morphine meds. All stemming from osteoporosis which I was first diagnosed with some 10 years ago..sure make "living the dream" a real challenge, here.
Post by Wir Munchen Liebschoen
You coming back from the dead for the 485th time, not so novel anymore.
You misunderstood. What I said was that the people in the emergency
room told me this wacky story. My foot was swollen and they tried
to tell me that I had fluid in one of my feet that they needed to
drain out because it was poison and that I could have another
heart attack. It was all bullshit. They just made up this stuff.
How did they get your foot out of your mouth to drain it?
Let me tell you about what happened today: My heart doctor was
able to get me in 2 days early for a chemical stress test. It
was okay as far as I know. The steps are getting more and more
difficult to go down, and to climb. In a few weeks I'll make
an appointment for my hiatal hernia operation. No big deal.
Since misery loves company, hang in there best you can, Jeff. (as if you have any choice in the matter :)
I'll start again. Google is fucked up. I have this unusual problem,
Tim. About once an hour I have to wash my face. It like this grease
is building up on my face. When I wash it off, it goes onto my hands,
so I wash my hands. I'll wash my face again and the grease is back
on my hands. This problem is driving me nutty. I've looked and looked
online to see what the problem is. I can't find anything anywhere that
talks about it, and my regular doctor doesn't know what it is. There is
no pain like when regular grease hits your face. But try going on an 8
hour trip that should take 8 hours, but takes 10 hours, because I have
to keep stopping somewhere to wash my face. Have you ever heard of this?
Why not have your cat lick the grease off your face?

That way he won't be trying to communicate with you and you can
concentrate on driving. Unless he is giving you directions like a TomTom
