What an absolutely depressing newsgroup
(too old to reply)
2017-07-01 05:23:49 UTC
After many years, I still love the music from the 60s. I was in my teens
at that time and the music still lives in my mind. Particularly when I
ran an underground 60's radio station for a while, back in the day.

I came to this newsgroup thinking it would be filled with 60s music
history, links to MP3 oldies, and videos, and people talking about their
favorite oldies.

I began to read this group. I quickly killfiled one abuser who was using
the group to post politics. After getting rid of that person's posts, I
read about 20 posts, and out of them, 19 were about the performers from
the 60s dying. Only one was interesting.

How absolutely depressing.....

Before unsubscribing, I thought I'd post this.....
2017-07-01 06:38:38 UTC
Post by G***@somewhere.com
After many years, I still love the music from the 60s. I was in my teens
at that time and the music still lives in my mind. Particularly when I
ran an underground 60's radio station for a while, back in the day.
I came to this newsgroup thinking it would be filled with 60s music
history, links to MP3 oldies, and videos, and people talking about their
favorite oldies.
I began to read this group. I quickly killfiled one abuser who was using
the group to post politics. After getting rid of that person's posts, I
read about 20 posts, and out of them, 19 were about the performers from
the 60s dying. Only one was interesting.
How absolutely depressing.....
Before unsubscribing, I thought I'd post this.....
People tend to gravitate to a certain limited view of 60s music on here
I find. Just killfile Uni too.
And people who hate something tend to go to a newsgroup about that to
vent, or just be boorish.
And I try to avoid mp3s nowadays for the most part, quality is too low
and we can do a lot better now.
There is the Lost Jukebox series of mp3s though which is enormous, the
equivalent of well over 200 CDs, which can be found somewhere on the
internet. Though they couldn't leave well enough alone and from about
number 68, start to do some type of equalisation to the music so drums
and bass are louder, which basically ruined them for me. Even a quiet
folk song from about 1965 now seems to have a solid beat to it, I can
alter the sound to suit myself, but I can't reverse what they have done.
2017-07-01 16:12:27 UTC
Post by hector
Post by G***@somewhere.com
After many years, I still love the music from the 60s. I was in my teens
at that time and the music still lives in my mind. Particularly when I
ran an underground 60's radio station for a while, back in the day.
I came to this newsgroup thinking it would be filled with 60s music
history, links to MP3 oldies, and videos, and people talking about their
favorite oldies.
I began to read this group. I quickly killfiled one abuser who was using
the group to post politics. After getting rid of that person's posts, I
read about 20 posts, and out of them, 19 were about the performers from
the 60s dying. Only one was interesting.
How absolutely depressing.....
Before unsubscribing, I thought I'd post this.....
People tend to gravitate to a certain limited view of 60s music on here
I find. Just killfile Uni too.
And people who hate something tend to go to a newsgroup about that to
vent, or just be boorish.
And I try to avoid mp3s nowadays for the most part, quality is too low
and we can do a lot better now.
There is the Lost Jukebox series of mp3s though which is enormous, the
equivalent of well over 200 CDs, which can be found somewhere on the
internet. Though they couldn't leave well enough alone and from about
number 68, start to do some type of equalisation to the music so drums
and bass are louder, which basically ruined them for me. Even a quiet
folk song from about 1965 now seems to have a solid beat to it, I can
alter the sound to suit myself, but I can't reverse what they have done.
I see with YOUR contributions, this group is thriving.
Don't point your finger at me, you silly boy!

Uni :-)

2017-07-01 09:59:55 UTC
Post by G***@somewhere.com
After many years, I still love the music from the 60s. I was in my teens
at that time and the music still lives in my mind. Particularly when I
ran an underground 60's radio station for a while, back in the day.
I came to this newsgroup thinking it would be filled with 60s music
history, links to MP3 oldies, and videos, and people talking about their
favorite oldies.
I began to read this group. I quickly killfiled one abuser who was using
the group to post politics. After getting rid of that person's posts, I
read about 20 posts, and out of them, 19 were about the performers from
the 60s dying. Only one was interesting.
How absolutely depressing.....
Before unsubscribing, I thought I'd post this.....
Oh please Georgie, give us another chance?

We are so grateful for all the kewl stuff you have posted here.

And of course you being a usenet savant know that binaries have not been
allowed on usenet groups in close to 20 years, right?

Oh and your killfile comment is so 1990's. Did you get a chance to read
up on President Clinton's latest sex scandal?

We are all so sorry you are depressed and upset about politics.

Perhaps you should grow up and get a set of tiny balls to go with your
tiny brain.
2017-07-01 16:10:49 UTC
Post by G***@somewhere.com
After many years, I still love the music from the 60s. I was in my teens
at that time and the music still lives in my mind. Particularly when I
ran an underground 60's radio station for a while, back in the day.
I came to this newsgroup thinking it would be filled with 60s music
history, links to MP3 oldies, and videos, and people talking about their
favorite oldies.
I began to read this group. I quickly killfiled one abuser who was using
the group to post politics. After getting rid of that person's posts, I
read about 20 posts, and out of them, 19 were about the performers from
the 60s dying. Only one was interesting.
How absolutely depressing.....
Before unsubscribing, I thought I'd post this.....
Oh, a freeloader!!! Bitch and moan because someone needs to entertain YOU!


Uni :-)