OT: What's the deal with all these Italian and other AltObits-littering postings ???
(too old to reply)
Dresden Houndiearfums
2017-07-26 09:34:22 UTC
What on earth can be done about all these darned foreign
postings--in Italian of late, but sometimes in Portuguese and in
additional cases G-d-knows what other tongues--which keep plaguing
alt-obits nowadays?
I assume you mean the flurry of posts every few days that are
slandering some person unknown to us. I gather that it's some political
or public figure, and the spanner is calling them a "pedophile" and
other nasty names. It appears to be the spammer's personal crazy
obsession. Since they are posting from Google Groups and so are you,
you should take the time to flag those posts as spam (and they are
spam, as the guy is posting the same messages in dozens or other
Why oh
why does alt-obits keep getting those absolutely indecipherable
cross-postings from posters like the ubiquitous "Wir Munchun
Liebshoen" ?
Because they intentionally do it to harass people in other groups and
spread dissention and strife to this and other groups by bringing in
unrelated conversations from elsewhere to here. Those who do that are
known as "trolls". Best course of action is to just ignore them.
Such wise advice from the great Nil who always is the adult in whatever
room he is in. Nil bestows his gift so we can learn from him. His
message can never be silenced by the nasty trolls who descend upon us
from Iraq to cause dissention.
On a related matter: more than once over the years, several of
you helpful folk herein have graciously (but also quite
cryptically) suggested, "Why don't you just get yourself a good
killfile?" Never MIND that no one has ever defined for me
precisely what the heck a killfile IS in the first place;
You should know that you are participating in a messaging network
called "Usenet" that's been in existance for decades, since nearly the
birth of the Internet. Usenet is wild and wooly - there are no rules
and anybody can post anything... and they do. The place is rife with
sad, sick trolls, but also with interesting people and topics.
The latter of course being Nil who is the modern day Jesus Christ of the
Usenet. Nil was sent here by God to absolve us of our wild and wooly
sins and cleanse each newsgroup so that it is ready to receive Nil's
holy words.
Google Groups is just a portal into the Usenet and they provide an
interface for reading and posting to it, using your web browser. It's a
poor interface and lacks any useful features. You could also find
another Usenet portal (there are free and for-pay ones) and use a
special program on your computer to access that portal. That program is
called a "newsreader" and they generally lots of useful features... one
of which is "killfile". A good killfile will let you filter out any
user names, subjects, crossposts, etc. that you never want to see,
according to your criteria. It's like telling the computer to
automatically press "delete" whenever it sees one of the things you
already know you don't want to see (known trolls, obviously incendiary
politial or religious terms, porn, etc.) Unfortunately, Google Groups
doesn't have any such feature. You'd have to use a "real" news service
and newsreader.
Always make sure you put Nil on your whitelist so his words will always
come through and negate the nasty trolls. Remember (because Nil will
never let you forget), that Nil's words are the words of the Lord. It is
through Nil that the gift of knowledge about anything and everything
will be bestowed upon us all.
If you ever want to look into it, check out the free Usenet service at
<http://www.eternal-september.org/> and any one of several free
newsreaders, such as Mozilla Thunderbird. It's all a little techy to
set up, but once done, it makes your Usenet experience a whole lot
The service might be a little "techy" but with Nil's great grace the
effort will be rewarded with Nil's divine guidance to get through the
setup. Once you get it up, Nil will bend over for you.
2017-07-26 14:11:43 UTC
Post by Dresden Houndiearfums
What on earth can be done about all these darned foreign
postings--in Italian of late, but sometimes in Portuguese and in
additional cases G-d-knows what other tongues--which keep plaguing
alt-obits nowadays?
I assume you mean the flurry of posts every few days that are
slandering some person unknown to us. I gather that it's some political
or public figure, and the spanner is calling them a "pedophile" and
other nasty names. It appears to be the spammer's personal crazy
obsession. Since they are posting from Google Groups and so are you,
you should take the time to flag those posts as spam (and they are
spam, as the guy is posting the same messages in dozens or other
Why oh
why does alt-obits keep getting those absolutely indecipherable
cross-postings from posters like the ubiquitous "Wir Munchun
Liebshoen" ?
Because they intentionally do it to harass people in other groups and
spread dissention and strife to this and other groups by bringing in
unrelated conversations from elsewhere to here. Those who do that are
known as "trolls". Best course of action is to just ignore them.
Such wise advice from the great Nil who always is the adult in whatever
room he is in. Nil bestows his gift so we can learn from him. His
message can never be silenced by the nasty trolls who descend upon us
from Iraq to cause dissention.
On a related matter: more than once over the years, several of
you helpful folk herein have graciously (but also quite
cryptically) suggested, "Why don't you just get yourself a good
killfile?" Never MIND that no one has ever defined for me
precisely what the heck a killfile IS in the first place;
You should know that you are participating in a messaging network
called "Usenet" that's been in existance for decades, since nearly the
birth of the Internet. Usenet is wild and wooly - there are no rules
and anybody can post anything... and they do. The place is rife with
sad, sick trolls, but also with interesting people and topics.
The latter of course being Nil who is the modern day Jesus Christ of the
Usenet. Nil was sent here by God to absolve us of our wild and wooly
sins and cleanse each newsgroup so that it is ready to receive Nil's
holy words.
Google Groups is just a portal into the Usenet and they provide an
interface for reading and posting to it, using your web browser. It's a
poor interface and lacks any useful features. You could also find
another Usenet portal (there are free and for-pay ones) and use a
special program on your computer to access that portal. That program is
called a "newsreader" and they generally lots of useful features... one
of which is "killfile". A good killfile will let you filter out any
user names, subjects, crossposts, etc. that you never want to see,
according to your criteria. It's like telling the computer to
automatically press "delete" whenever it sees one of the things you
already know you don't want to see (known trolls, obviously incendiary
politial or religious terms, porn, etc.) Unfortunately, Google Groups
doesn't have any such feature. You'd have to use a "real" news service
and newsreader.
Always make sure you put Nil on your whitelist so his words will always
come through and negate the nasty trolls. Remember (because Nil will
never let you forget), that Nil's words are the words of the Lord. It is
through Nil that the gift of knowledge about anything and everything
will be bestowed upon us all.
If you ever want to look into it, check out the free Usenet service at
<http://www.eternal-september.org/> and any one of several free
newsreaders, such as Mozilla Thunderbird. It's all a little techy to
set up, but once done, it makes your Usenet experience a whole lot
The service might be a little "techy" but with Nil's great grace the
effort will be rewarded with Nil's divine guidance to get through the
setup. Once you get it up, Nil will bend over for you.
OMG, Nil is Gay!!??

Uni :-)
