Libtards turning on Nancy Pelosi
(too old to reply)
Jake D Jude
2017-06-22 08:48:41 UTC
Left wing fascist snowflakes are very upset that their carpetbaggers
lost again and are 0-4 since Trump's brilliant victory over Crooked Hillary.

Now they want to throw Pelosi out. She might get out the money and have
the support of all the commies in the Democrap party, but real Americans
despise her and anyone associated with her.

She is the best advert for real Americans who want to continue to pull
power away from the deviants, deranged, dumb dickhead Democrap snowflakes.

Keep up the good work Nancy. We will keep tying all the failing Obozo
policies to you and your ilk so we win 90% of the House. As for her
douchie counterpart in the Senate, Schmuckie Schumer, soon the
Republicans will have a super-majority because of him.

Not only great news for the cleansing of the Supreme Court, but even
better news for tax reform, repeal of Obozocare and many other things
that are anathema to the left wing pigs.

Fuck the libtards!

2017-06-27 11:37:51 UTC
Post by Jake D Jude
Left wing fascist snowflakes are very upset that their carpetbaggers
lost again and are 0-4 since Trump's brilliant victory over Crooked Hillary.
Now they want to throw Pelosi out. She might get out the money and have
the support of all the commies in the Democrap party, but real Americans
despise her and anyone associated with her.
She is the best advert for real Americans who want to continue to pull
power away from the deviants, deranged, dumb dickhead Democrap snowflakes.
Keep up the good work Nancy. We will keep tying all the failing Obozo
policies to you and your ilk so we win 90% of the House. As for her
douchie counterpart in the Senate, Schmuckie Schumer, soon the
Republicans will have a super-majority because of him.
Not only great news for the cleansing of the Supreme Court, but even
better news for tax reform, repeal of Obozocare and many other things
that are anathema to the left wing pigs.
Fuck the libtards!
Nancy claimed tens of thousands will die with this new Healthcare bill. We're all hoping she's one!!

Uni :-)
2017-07-07 23:10:44 UTC
Post by Jake D Jude
Left wing fascist snowflakes are very upset that their carpetbaggers
lost again and are 0-4 since Trump's brilliant victory over Crooked Hillary.
Now they want to throw Pelosi out. She might get out the money and have
the support of all the commies in the Democrap party, but real Americans
despise her and anyone associated with her.
She is the best advert for real Americans who want to continue to pull
power away from the deviants, deranged, dumb dickhead Democrap snowflakes.
Keep up the good work Nancy. We will keep tying all the failing Obozo
policies to you and your ilk so we win 90% of the House. As for her
douchie counterpart in the Senate, Schmuckie Schumer, soon the
Republicans will have a super-majority because of him.
Not only great news for the cleansing of the Supreme Court, but even
better news for tax reform, repeal of Obozocare and many other things
that are anathema to the left wing pigs.
Fuck the libtards!
Problem is: for every Pelosi they push to their top, they line up an even crazier Maxine Waters right behind her.
2017-07-07 23:32:32 UTC
Post by Tim
Post by Jake D Jude
Left wing fascist snowflakes are very upset that their carpetbaggers
lost again and are 0-4 since Trump's brilliant victory over Crooked Hillary.
Now they want to throw Pelosi out. She might get out the money and have
the support of all the commies in the Democrap party, but real Americans
despise her and anyone associated with her.
She is the best advert for real Americans who want to continue to pull
power away from the deviants, deranged, dumb dickhead Democrap snowflakes.
Keep up the good work Nancy. We will keep tying all the failing Obozo
policies to you and your ilk so we win 90% of the House. As for her
douchie counterpart in the Senate, Schmuckie Schumer, soon the
Republicans will have a super-majority because of him.
Not only great news for the cleansing of the Supreme Court, but even
better news for tax reform, repeal of Obozocare and many other things
that are anathema to the left wing pigs.
Fuck the libtards!
Problem is: for every Pelosi they push to their top, they line up an even crazier Maxine Waters right behind her.
You mean Maxine James Brown Waters!!!

My goodness, California is being taking down BADLY. Shows what happens when mainly Democrats are in control. Not sure why they turned so evil and destructive!!

Uni :-)
2017-07-08 01:11:56 UTC
Post by j***@netscape.net
Post by Tim
Post by Jake D Jude
Left wing fascist snowflakes are very upset that their carpetbaggers
lost again and are 0-4 since Trump's brilliant victory over Crooked Hillary.
Now they want to throw Pelosi out. She might get out the money and have
the support of all the commies in the Democrap party, but real Americans
despise her and anyone associated with her.
She is the best advert for real Americans who want to continue to pull
power away from the deviants, deranged, dumb dickhead Democrap snowflakes.
Keep up the good work Nancy. We will keep tying all the failing Obozo
policies to you and your ilk so we win 90% of the House. As for her
douchie counterpart in the Senate, Schmuckie Schumer, soon the
Republicans will have a super-majority because of him.
Not only great news for the cleansing of the Supreme Court, but even
better news for tax reform, repeal of Obozocare and many other things
that are anathema to the left wing pigs.
Fuck the libtards!
Problem is: for every Pelosi they push to their top, they line up an even crazier Maxine Waters right behind her.
You mean Maxine James Brown Waters!!!
Post by j***@netscape.net
My goodness, California is being taking down BADLY. Shows what happens when mainly Democrats are in control. Not sure why they turned so evil and destructive!!
Just give it time and NJ will get swallowed up by this leftist cancer too, by way of mass breeding and an imminent eastward migration, aka the George Soros Plan.