how does the intro of Drive My Car work?
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Dresden Houndiearfums
2017-09-20 09:46:17 UTC
Like someone above has said there is a pickup note at the start of
the riff so the timing should be 3 bars like: 1/8
With pauls bass being on 3+4+ of the 1st 4/4 bar. Obviously the
confusion comes because we think of the riff as being the other
way round - with the off beats being the on beat. If george put
some dynamics in or specifically played the pickup quieter or with
a clear upstroke itd all be a lot simpler.
Bingo! There's no doubt in my mind that this is the way to count it
out, but some little clue like you mention would make it more explicit
and less confusing. OTOH, I think it's better for being mysterious! In
that regard it's not unlike the intro to "I Want to Hold Your Hand",
where the downbeat is ambiguous until the verse makes it not so. In the
rehearsal takes you can even hear Paul encouraging them to muddy the
Oh Nil, Danny Smith must be dead chuffed that you blessed his post with
your approval. Of course only you knew all this information and must be
so happy now that someone else knows it and can now feel worthy of
picking your holy nose.
I suspect the beatles
practiced it without the pickup note then george decided to add it
once everyone knew how the riff really sounded. Or like someone
else has suggested, it was added/overdubbed later.
I wouldn't be surprised to learn that it was a mistake that they liked
and kept, as they sometimes did. Perhaps there was a count-off that was
edited off the release take. This is one of the questions I have in
mind for that day when I finally have afternoon tea with Sir Paul. I
will take clotted cream with my scone.
I think I mentioned earlier that I was trying to get my Beatles cover
band to play this right. Alas, I never succeeded. We got it right
sometimes, but only by accident. Only me and the drummer were
consistently on the same page. He had some weird-ass way of counting it
out for himself, which didn't matter to me since we hit things at the
right times, but the other guys never could get it in the same place.
They kept trying to tell me it didn't matter, but I know better.
Yes Nil, you know better. You know so much that your disciples, er
bandmates must be in awe of you everytime you give a holy command. For
only you Nil and the surviving Beatles can play a Beatles tune with true
authenticity. Even the McCartney comes to you for advice before he goes
on tour and auditions for you to ensure he is playing his own music up
to your high standards.
Apropos of nothing except that it's the subject of the thread, here's
my DIY recording of the song. I *DID* get the timing right!
Wow Nil when I closed my eyes it was like listening to the Beatles
themselves. Then again I was on LSD and Percodan so even Tiny Tim sounds
like Harrison. But your version is so good they ought to put it out to
show how musically challenged frogs think they can do a Beatles cover.
Dresden Houndiearfums
2017-09-25 09:16:02 UTC
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out
and remove all doubt."
Looks like you have your very own Internet stalker who hangs on your
every word. Congratulations! You bring purpose to some crazy idiot's
otherwise barren life.
Oh Nil that is such a devastating put down of the nasty troll! Richie
must be dead chuffed that he has you on his side to defend him against
people who say nasty things. In fact you can see how grateful Richie is
by his quick reply to you.

Every day the Beatles thank Jesus H. Christ that they have you here to
enrich topics with your bottomless well of Beatle knowledge. You truly
are the Fifth Beatle, Nil.
