The Rolling Stones rolled over The Beatles
(too old to reply)
Dresden Houndiearfums
2018-01-20 00:13:30 UTC
Same here. This past summer, one of my sisters scored a handful
of tickets for their concert in Boston, not knowing I'd be in the
area at that time. When she found out, she offered me one. I
passed - she went, I didn't. Without Freddie and John Deacon (who
is a magnificent bassist - check out Millionaire Waltz if you
don't know it), it just wouldn't have been the same for me. I'd
love to have seen them in their prime (say, around the time The
Game was released), but I never had the opportunity.
I saw Queen in 1976 and 1977, and I thought THAT was their prime! Great
concerts, both of them, very memorable.
Woah nilli! Imagine how honored Queen must have been to have the great
Nil their audience not once but twice! And of course to give it your
imprimatur is the sole reason that the band has been as popular and
honored ever since.
I used to play a few Queen tunes in my college rock band... Tie Your
Mother Down, Now I'm Here, Death on Two Legs.
That must have been magical. The great Nil on stage doing major justice
representing Queen. Your college probably gave you your BA after the
first tune was finished.
Dresden Houndiearfums
2018-01-20 19:45:52 UTC
I saw Queen in 1976 and 1977, and I thought THAT was their prime!
Great concerts, both of them, very memorable.
I used to play a few Queen tunes in my college rock band... Tie
Your Mother Down, Now I'm Here, Death on Two Legs.
Amendment: scratch "Death on Two Legs" - I mis-remembered, it was
"Flick of the Wrist".
Oh great Nil it matters not what title you play. Everything you play
will be perfection and an honor to the original artist. Once you started
playing Queen, they became super famous.

If only your divine hands could have saved Freddie. And Beth for that
matter. But your knowledge passes all our understanding.
Dresden Houndiearfums
2018-01-20 19:47:27 UTC
BBC4 show one of the concerts from that era occasionally,
Hammersmith from Xmas Eve 1975 I think?
Pretty damn good!
Them boys show some potential!
And you knew this from the beginning because you are so far ahead of all
of us oh great Nil. For you know the way and the truth.
