The End
(too old to reply)
Zee French
2017-10-11 09:11:13 UTC
My first post to rec.music.beatles was in the spring of 1999.
It was an exciting place to be with hundreds of new posts a day from many people who loved The Beatles.
It is no longer a fun place to be, but rather one where bottom feeders dwell and purveyors of hate have multiplied.
My last post is right now.
Vous ne manquerez pas.

Auvoir tete de merde.
Jake D Jude
2017-10-11 13:26:49 UTC
My first post to rec.music.beatles was in the spring of 1999.
It was an exciting place to be with hundreds of new posts a day from many people who loved The Beatles.
It is no longer a fun place to be, but rather one where bottom feeders dwell and purveyors of hate have multiplied.
My last post is right now.
Oh the schmaltz....

Oy such drama......

Oh such pathos.....

Good by, dickhead libtard.

We will all miss your immature posts, but not your political manifestos.

Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you...
Jake D Jude
2017-10-11 15:40:15 UTC
My first post to rec.music.beatles was in the spring of 1999.
It was an exciting place to be with hundreds of new posts a day from many people who loved The Beatles.
It is no longer a fun place to be, but rather one where bottom feeders dwell and purveyors of hate have multiplied.
My last post is right now.
Good fucking riddance!
Well said!
