John/Yoko & Zappa
(too old to reply)
Dresden Houndiearfums
2017-07-10 00:58:59 UTC
Yeah, I kind of expected Nil's response coming after I'd already
viewed his Youtube link before posting mine. I suppose Nil feels
we'd be lost without him, at times, and this is just how he rolls.
Bitter much?
Oh Nil who could be bitter when a god like you comes down from on high
and blesses us with your vast knowledge of Beatle related trivia. We
know what a complex and busy life you lead because you are oh so
important. We are grateful that you could spare 30 seconds of your
important time to educate the unwashed masses with your brilliance.
Dresden Houndiearfums
2017-07-10 17:35:46 UTC
Might be
There's no "might" about it. Pretty much every post of yours reeks of
except this would imply jealousy
Um... no it doesn't. Though, you choosing to take it that way says a
which I haven't the time
of day for, for the likes of you.
And yet, here you are, spending the time of day with the likes of me.
Nil we need to spend as much time with you absorbing all your incredible
brilliance like flowers craving sunshine.

We are all bitter when we cannot spend every waking moment listening to
your ponderous wondrous musings on all things Beatle. It is almost like
you are the Maharishi and we your disciples.
Wir Munchen Liebschoen
2017-07-12 08:54:57 UTC
Yes, that what's I said, or tried to, but I would be interested
in what music he liked before the Beatles arrived.
Zappa has talked about his early love for blues and doo-wop. Later he
became intensely interested in modern classical music (Stravinski,
Bartok) and avant garde, especially Karlheinz Stockhausen and Edgard
My opinion also includes Zappa's just saying what he did because
it makes him sound cool to some people,
I never heard him say that, and I'm skeptical that he ever did. I don't
get the impression that he much cared whether he appeared cool. If he
did, he wouldn't have made most of the difficult music he did.
People who like
the blues usually don't have an open mind, and they get stuck
in a rut only liking one type of music, and they have no interest
in other types of music, or the patience to learn how to play
other types of music if they are a musician. I'm sure you've come
across people like that too.
No, I really haven't. I've known people who mostly play one style or
another, but most of them listen to lots of different stuff. Dedication
isn't the same as close-mindedness or non-interest.
He came off to me as being arrogant, but self confident? To me,
some musicians mostly come off as not being confident to have
to tear someone down to make themselves feel better. I don't
know if this applies to Zappa or not. I don't know much about
I think you're projecting a lot of your own preconceptions on Zappa
that have very little about him or his music.
He had a long, prolific
career of making music that was unlike anybody else's. Nobody would do
that unless they were confident that their vision was true.
I've already admitted that I don't know much about him, and
I've also said that if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I'm wrong so
thanks for explaining it.
In your never ending quest for attention by posting idiotic,
unsubstantiated rubbish, you even managed to offend the ever pompous
Nil. You should not try to converse with someone like him if you do not
know much of what you are speaking about. Now you have another person
who thinks you are two short planks.

Just stick with cat hallucinations Jeffie. That is more your speed.
Dresden Houndiearfums
2017-07-12 17:32:59 UTC
I've already admitted that I don't know much about him, and
I've also said that if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I'm wrong so
thanks for explaining it.
I wasn't out to "correct" you - your comments just inspired me have
some thoughts about the music. Maybe my comments will make you think
about it in a different way, too.
Oh Nil, your comments inspire us all to be more knowledgeable about the
Beatles. Unfortunate-timetable, we will never be as knowledgeable as
you. All we could hope for is just getting a crumb or two from your
bounteous plate.
Dresden Houndiearfums
2017-07-16 19:44:04 UTC
You dislike Nil so much that you write 5 posts to him.
Way to go, Ryan.
Is that insect-brained mosquito still buzzing around here? If it had
contact with actual people in real life, it would have been swatted
long ago. But I guess they continue to live on Cheetos in their
mother's basement indefinitely and avoid having to deal with reality.
As Li'l Donny Trump would say, "Sad".
Oh Great Nil that is such a brilliant riposte to the feeble minds that
would dare doubt your greatness and brilliance.

And to support someone as mentally damaged as Jeffie Crabbie shows and
almost Mother Theresa/Princess Diana altruism of the highest order.

We are so lucky to have your presence grace us.
Dresden Houndiearfums
2017-07-12 17:35:52 UTC
Yes, that what's I said, or tried to, but I would be interested
in what music he liked before the Beatles arrived.
Zappa has talked about his early love for blues and doo-wop. Later he
became intensely interested in modern classical music (Stravinski,
Bartok) and avant garde, especially Karlheinz Stockhausen and Edgard
My opinion also includes Zappa's just saying what he did because
it makes him sound cool to some people,
I never heard him say that, and I'm skeptical that he ever did. I don't
get the impression that he much cared whether he appeared cool. If he
did, he wouldn't have made most of the difficult music he did.
People who like
the blues usually don't have an open mind, and they get stuck
in a rut only liking one type of music, and they have no interest
in other types of music, or the patience to learn how to play
other types of music if they are a musician. I'm sure you've come
across people like that too.
No, I really haven't. I've known people who mostly play one style or
another, but most of them listen to lots of different stuff. Dedication
isn't the same as close-mindedness or non-interest.
He came off to me as being arrogant, but self confident? To me,
some musicians mostly come off as not being confident to have
to tear someone down to make themselves feel better. I don't
know if this applies to Zappa or not. I don't know much about
I think you're projecting a lot of your own preconceptions on Zappa
that have very little about him or his music. He had a long, prolific
career of making music that was unlike anybody else's. Nobody would do
that unless they were confident that their vision was true.
And nobody is more confident of their knowledge and vision about all the
Beatles than you, Nil oh Great One.

We are so blessed to have you take time out of your busy day in Beatle
Heaven to come down amongst us and grace us with your holy wisdom.
Dresden Houndiearfums
2017-07-12 17:36:58 UTC
Oh, Zappa used to say that people thought he should jump when
Lennon's name was brought up. Just my opinion.
Not sure what that means or what that would have to do with being
"jealous", but from what I know about Zappa, he wasn't the type to jump
for anybody. He was very self-confident and self-motivated, and I don't
get the impression that he was jealous of anybody. I don't think he was
a big Beatles fan, but I read that he did like some of their songs,
especially from the production side. He covered a few of their songs
live, including a pretty accurate cover of "I Am the Walrus" (though
with his typical rude noise interjections).
I don't think your opinion is based on anything real.
Nil you know as well as Jeff does that nothing is real.

And nothing to get hung about.
Dresden Houndiearfums
2017-07-12 17:39:47 UTC
You know, Nil, why not just bail on our mutual bull headed
differences and both have a nice day? -
That's fine by me. I'm not the one looking for an argument.
It's been a nice day here, and I just got back from a 10-mile bike ride
and I feel maahvelous.
Did the angels escort you oh Great Nil? They probably carried your bike
on their wings as you made your way down from Beatle Heaven to answer
our thirst for your knowledge.
That's my plan, anyhow, and I'll be sticking to it till our next
inevitable run in.
It's only inevitable if you choose it to be.
Such pearls of wisdom. Such grace in dealing with us mortals.

You are so great, Nil.
Dresden Houndiearfums
2017-07-12 17:40:40 UTC
Who knew?

Zappa was jealous of Lennon.
Really?!? Where did you get that from??
Probably from your holy orifice, Nil.
Wir Munchen Liebschoen
2017-07-13 12:21:25 UTC
Oh, Zappa used to say that people thought he should jump when
Lennon's name was brought up. Just my opinion.
Not sure what that means or what that would have to do with being
I was asked to explain why I said what I said. I just went
by my gut feeling.
but from what I know about Zappa, he wasn't the type to jump
for anybody.<<
Yes, that what's I said, or tried to, but I would be interested
in what music he liked before the Beatles arrived. I don't recall
him ever saying what he liked before the arrival of the Beatles.
My opinion also includes Zappa's just saying what he did because
it makes him sound cool to some people, just like other people
who want attention by either/or their remarks saying they dislike
the Beatles or Lennon. If he said something such as liking the
blues more than anything, I would believe him. People who like
the blues usually don't have an open mind, and they get stuck
in a rut only liking one type of music, and they have no interest
in other types of music, or the patience to learn how to play other
types of music if they are a musician. I'm sure you've come across
people like that too. So they limit themselves. I'm not saying that
it's wrong to like just one type of music, but for me, it gets very
boring very quickly to just listen to one type of music and to be
in a band with people like that. Have you ever come across musicians
like that?
He was very self-confident <<
He came off to me as being arrogant, but self confident? To me,
some musicians mostly come off as not being confident to have
to tear someone down to make themselves feel better. I don't
know if this applies to Zappa or not. I don't know much about
and self-motivated, <<
I would say that applies to most musicians who spend most
of their lives by themselves to get where they got as
musicians. There is always an exception on any subject.
and I don't
get the impression that he was jealous of anybody.<<
You may be right. I just gave my opinion but that doesn't
mean that I'm never wrong. I've been wrong about a lot of
things, and it doesn't bother me any to be wrong as it does
to many people. I don't expect everyone to agree with me
just because I stated an opinion. I'm not the competitive
type who feels the need to always be right.
I don't think he was
a big Beatles fan, but I read that he did like some of their songs,
especially from the production side. He covered a few of their songs
live, including a pretty accurate cover of "I Am the Walrus" (though
with his typical rude noise interjections).
I don't think your opinion is based on anything real.
You could be right, Nil.
You may be right
You may be crazy
But you might just be the lunatic he's looking for.
Very good. Jeffie being obsequious to Nildo just so he can continue to
get attention from Narcissistic Nil.
Wir Munchen Liebschoen
2017-07-13 12:23:43 UTC
I've already admitted that I don't know much about him, and
I've also said that if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I'm wrong so
thanks for explaining it.
I wasn't out to "correct" you - your comments just inspired me have
some thoughts about the music. Maybe my comments will make you think
about it in a different way, too.
Lt's talk about what Phil Collings said about McCartney pretty
recently. Collins is bringing up the fact that he felt like Paul
talked down to him in 2012. I mean he's airing this dispute to
the entire world. My take on this is that he's a big crybaby,
and should have just discussed this matter with Paul in private.
What's your take?
Apparently not much.

Maybe you need to lick Nil's asshole more, Jeffie.
Dresden Houndiearfums
2017-07-15 10:10:26 UTC
Lt's talk about what Phil Collings said about McCartney pretty
recently. Collins is bringing up the fact that he felt like Paul
talked down to him in 2012. I mean he's airing this dispute to
the entire world. My take on this is that he's a big crybaby,
and should have just discussed this matter with Paul in private.
What's your take?
My take is that Phil Collins should shut his mouth and stick to playing
drums. I've always found him to be an annoying git ever since he
stepped into Peter Gabriel's shoes as the front man for Genesis. Maybe
McCartney does, too.
Phil Collins the drummer: one of the best (or at least he was in his
prime.) Phil Collins the Entertainer: kind of a drag. Phil Collins the
human being: if the McCartney story is any indication, a prima donna.
Thank you so much Nil for your spot on analysis of Phil Collins. Since
you are speaking ex-cathedra we are all now required to follow your
mandates and think the same of Collins.

How devastated must Phil feel now that he knows you think of him as an
annoying git? It must wound his heart grievously knowing that someone
with your vast knowledge and talents does not curry his favor. I'm sure
he is solemnly thinking of ways to expiate his sins and get back into
your good graces. Because who would want to be thought of so poorly by
someone so high and mighty as yourself?

And from your pronouncement it would appear that Phil is not even a good
drummer anymore. Are you going to spend some time with him teaching him
how to play up to your standards? What a great act of kindness on your
part. The world is so grateful to have you in their presence.
Dresden Houndiearfums
2017-07-16 19:39:02 UTC
You may be right
You may be crazy
But you might just be the lunatic he's looking for.
I don't have to look for lunatics - I'm surrounded by them!
That is why the world needs your wisdom and guidance oh Great Nil.
Wait a minute... why does that sign outside my window say "Shady Rest
Home", but there's no shade around here??
There is no shade because wherever you are oh great Nil, there is the
light and wisdom from your mere presence.
Wir Munchen Liebschoen
2017-07-17 02:55:21 UTC
Oh, Zappa used to say that people thought he should jump when
Lennon's name was brought up. Just my opinion.
Not sure what that means or what that would have to do with being
I was asked to explain why I said what I said. I just went
by my gut feeling.
but from what I know about Zappa, he wasn't the type to jump
for anybody.<<
Yes, that what's I said, or tried to, but I would be interested
in what music he liked before the Beatles arrived. I don't recall
him ever saying what he liked before the arrival of the Beatles.
My opinion also includes Zappa's just saying what he did because
it makes him sound cool to some people, just like other people
who want attention by either/or their remarks saying they dislike
the Beatles or Lennon. If he said something such as liking the
blues more than anything, I would believe him. People who like
the blues usually don't have an open mind, and they get stuck
in a rut only liking one type of music, and they have no interest
in other types of music, or the patience to learn how to play other
types of music if they are a musician. I'm sure you've come across
people like that too. So they limit themselves. I'm not saying that
it's wrong to like just one type of music, but for me, it gets very
boring very quickly to just listen to one type of music and to be
in a band with people like that. Have you ever come across musicians
like that?
He was very self-confident <<
He came off to me as being arrogant, but self confident? To me,
some musicians mostly come off as not being confident to have
to tear someone down to make themselves feel better. I don't
know if this applies to Zappa or not. I don't know much about
and self-motivated, <<
I would say that applies to most musicians who spend most
of their lives by themselves to get where they got as
musicians. There is always an exception on any subject.
and I don't
get the impression that he was jealous of anybody.<<
You may be right. I just gave my opinion but that doesn't
mean that I'm never wrong. I've been wrong about a lot of
things, and it doesn't bother me any to be wrong as it does
to many people. I don't expect everyone to agree with me
just because I stated an opinion. I'm not the competitive
type who feels the need to always be right.
I don't think he was
a big Beatles fan, but I read that he did like some of their songs,
especially from the production side. He covered a few of their songs
live, including a pretty accurate cover of "I Am the Walrus" (though
with his typical rude noise interjections).
I don't think your opinion is based on anything real.
You could be right, Nil.
LOL. Spoken just like your other nym Dresden. Or did your cat type this
obsequious rubbish?
Wir Munchen Liebschoen
2017-07-17 02:57:45 UTC
Who knew?
Zappa was jealous of Lennon.
Why would you say that? There's no basis for it in the first place. And the journalist who brought them together -- Howard Smith, who was well-known at the time -- said Lennon was extremely deferential to Zappa.
You seem to know a lot more about this than I do, so please
tell me about Lennon being deferential to Zappa.
Do a Google search for "Howard Smith Lennon deferential Zappa" and read the NYT article -- a review of a Barry Miles book -- that comes up. <<
No thanks. I'll just let you do the talking, if you choose
to tell me what went down. I'll take your word with anything
you say. I don't really have the desire to read about artists
I dislike. As it is, people here talk about posters they dislike,
and that's been going on with some people for close to 20 years.
I still don't understand why they bother. It's a complete waste
of time when they could be discussing more important things, and
the clock is ticking. I don't mind a very short discussion on this
subject though.
What a lazy twit.

This again proves that you are not a Beatle fan, just a hypochondriac
looking for attention with your bizarre and immature posts.
Wir Munchen Liebschoen
2017-07-17 02:59:36 UTC
Who knew?
Zappa was jealous of Lennon.
Why would you say that? There's no basis for it in the first place. And the journalist who brought them together -- Howard Smith, who was well-known at the time -- said Lennon was extremely deferential to Zappa.
You seem to know a lot more about this than I do, so please
tell me about Lennon being deferential to Zappa.
Do a Google search for "Howard Smith Lennon deferential Zappa" and read the NYT article -- a review of a Barry Miles book -- that comes up. <<
No thanks. I'll just let you do the talking, if you choose
to tell me what went down. I'll take your word with anything
you say. I don't really have the desire to read about artists
I dislike. As it is, people here talk about posters they dislike,
and that's been going on with some people for close to 20 years.
I still don't understand why they bother. It's a complete waste
of time when they could be discussing more important things, and
the clock is ticking. I don't mind a very short discussion on this
subject though.
Journalist Howard Smith was meeting with John and Yoko. As he prepared to leave, he mentioned that he was about to interview Frank Zappa. Lennon got all excited, and said he'd always wanted to meet Zappa. Smith asked why. Lennon said he loved how Zappa was doing new things in the rock medium, and that he admired how Zappa's band was tight like a classical orchestra. Smith said, "Why don't you come along, then?" So they all met. Zappa was very cool; Lennon was very deferential towards him. Yoko claimed that all of Zappa's techniques were things she had used ages ago; Zappa ignored her. Smith suggested that John join Zappa's band onstage later that evening; Zappa thought for a moment then agreed.
All this is lost on Jeffie. He's not a Beatles fan, just some loser twit
looking for attention.
