Ron Howard's EDAW
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Dresden Houndiearfums
2017-11-26 11:44:48 UTC
Just a heads up that Eight Days A Week airs tonight 8/7c on PBS...
I tried to remotely tell my DVR to record
it. I won't know until
Tuesday if it worked.
Nil you are such a gifted person in all areas. Everything your divine
hand touches will respond instantly. You are in fact the Jesus of DVR's
so when you give a command, DVR's will listen. They know it is important
that you are able to view the shows you want to watch.
I saw it on DVD a few months ago and it was fun. I'll be happy to
see it again. Video comfort good.
And just think of the comfort you bring to Ron Howard's father who just
croaked when you take the time out of your busy day to watch his son's
movie. Sure millions of people have watched it, but they do not count in
importance compared to you.
Dresden Houndiearfums
2017-12-04 09:29:54 UTC
A documentary about touring but no mention of Jimmie Nicol? Ron
Howard is a hack, I am sure most people posting here could have
done a better job.
But could most people here get Whoopi Goldberg and Sigourney Weaver to
You are so right oh Great Nil. Whoopi Goldberg and Sigourney Weaver are
so important and indispensable to the Beatles story that only Opie could
have procured their talent to relate their importance to us. And again
without you to provide your vast Beatle knowledge to us mere mortals,
none of us would appreciate how important they are to this legacy. Ron
Howard should have you produce a separate track on a deluxe version of
the DVD with your narration. That way your wisdom will always be part of
the Beatles Canon.
Whatever it's many lacks, the performance clips look and sound terrific
and the excitement of their touring days is conveyed well. It's not a
great movie, but I think it's fun.
As long as you think it is fun Nil then we should too. There is no room
to disagree with your brilliant insights. Jimmy Nichol is bubkis
compared to the importance of settling for the many "lacks" that are in
this movie. Thank you so much oh Great Nil for pointing this out to us.